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How to Nail your next Technical Interview

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Intuit Interview Questions and Answers You Should Practice

by Interview Kickstart Team in Interview Questions
May 30, 2024
Interview at Intuit coming up? Nail it with tech interview experts!

Intuit Interview Questions and Answers You Should Practice

Last updated by Abhinav Rawat on May 30, 2024 at 05:52 PM | Reading time: 13 minutes

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Intuit interview questions are designed to hire the most innovative software engineers with strong technical knowledge and strategic management abilities. They have several rounds of interviews for software engineering positions. 

Intuit's software engineers contribute to developing tools that speed up UI design, enable web services testing, and boost productivity at scale. If you want to be a part of the Intuit software engineering team, you must know the most in-demand and cutting-edge technologies. You must learn how to demonstrate your abilities during the Intuit interview process.

Intuit is a financial software company that creates and offers monetary, book-keeping, duty planning programming, and related administration for businesses, accountants, and people. Intuit offers technical positions for software engineers, developers, tech leads, and engineering managers. Read on to learn in detail about the Intuit interview questions and the hiring process. Also, grasp the best tricks to outperform the competition in your upcoming technical interview.

If you are preparing for a tech interview, check out our technical interview checklist, interview questions page, and salary negotiation e-book to get interview-ready!

Having trained over 10,000 software engineers, we know what it takes to crack the toughest tech interviews. Our alums consistently land offers from FAANG+ companies. The highest ever offer received by an IK alum is a whopping $1.267 Million!

At IK, you get the unique opportunity to learn from expert instructors who are hiring managers and tech leads at Google, Facebook, Apple, and other top Silicon Valley tech companies.

Want to nail your next tech interview? Sign up for our FREE Webinar.

Here's what we'll cover in this article:

  • What Is the Intuit Hiring Process for Software Engineers?
  • Types of Intuit Software Engineer Interview Questions
  • Domain-specific Intuit Interview Questions
  • Technical Skills Required to Crack Intuit Interviews
  • How to Stand Out in Intuit Interviews?
  • FAQs About Intuit Interview Questions

What Is the Intuit Hiring Process for Software Engineers? 

Your tech interview prep requires a strategic plan, and for this, it is vital to know the complete hiring process. The various steps of the Intuit interview process are as follows:

  • Interview Set-up
  • Craft Demo 
  • Assessors Interview 
  • Team-Member Interview
  • Manager Interview
 Intuit Hiring Process for Software Engineers

Interview Set-up

Duration: 90 mins for engineers

Intuit offers a preparation time before the actual interview. You can utilize this time to download coding software/tools, test connectivity, set up computers, and solve technical questions that you might want to present during the on-site craft demo.

Craft Demonstration

Duration: 60 min | 4 Hiring team members

This can be a virtual interview round. You have to answer some basic Intuit phone interview questions that focus on three areas including:

  • About you
  • Key accomplishments in the past
  • Case study or a live coding exercise

The craft demonstration assignment will be given to you as homework 3-5 days prior to your interview via email. The interviewer will present a coding question, and you will have to code right away. You can share your personal and professional achievements while answering Intuit interview questions for this round.

Assessors Interview

Duration: 45 min | 2 Assessors

You have two interviewers in this round. You'll be asked Intuit interview questions that deep dive into your technical skills and software engineering experience. Some sample technical questions are given below. In this round, you can also question the interviewer to know more about your team and responsibilities.

Team Member Interview

Duration: 30 min | One assessor

In this interview round, you will have to meet with a cross-functional colleague who will question you on Intuit's values essential to your role's success. 

This round has several Intuit behavioral interview questions regarding the teams and environments you thrive in. For this round, you should be well-prepared with Data Structure, Operating Systems, Java, OOPs concepts, and updated technology like Python and Data Mining.

Intuit Team Member Interview Round Topics

Manager Interview

Duration: 30-60 min | One manager

You must prepare well for this round, as this is the final Intuit interview stage. The software engineering team manager will question you on your learnings throughout your career. You can expect some advanced questions specific to your role and a few behavioral questions.

If you're interested in pursuing a software engineering career at Intuit, you're probably wondering how much software engineers make at the company. You can learn about  Intuit software engineer's salary and benefits here.

Types of Intuit Interview Questions 

Intuit software engineer interview questions include coding, technical concepts, behavioral, and situational questions. Here are most of the most anticipated Intuit interview questions that you must practice.

Types of Intuit Interview Questions

Intuit Coding Interview Questions 

  1. What key things would you look for when reviewing a code?
  2. Write code to check if a string is a palindrome or not?
  3. Print all permutations of string, both iterative and recursive?
  4. Write a code to check if two strings are anagram.
  5. How to count the occurrence of a given character in a String?
  6. Why is a char array preferred over string for storing passwords?
  7. Write code to implement insertion sort in Java?
  8. For two given strings A and B, find the list of ending indices of every substring of B that's a prefix of A.
  9. For two given arrays, A and B, find the number of pairs for which GCD (a, b)! = 1, where a is a number in A and b in B.

Intuit Interview Questions on Data Structures and Algorithms

The technical interview rounds include Intuit interview questions on Data Structures and Algorithms focusing on the following topics:

  • Binary Tree Example Code
  • Strings and Arrays
  • Linked List
  • Recursion
  • Bit Manipulation
  • Small Programs (String, memory functions)

Some sample Intuit technical interview questions on data structures and algorithms are :

  1. Write a program to return a list of duplicate words in a sentence.
  2. Write a program to delete all nodes of a given value from a linked list.
  3. Write a program to remove duplicates from a given array.
  4. What are divide and conquer algorithms?
  5. Find the pair in the array whose sum is closest to N when you are given a sorted array and a number N.
  6. Given an array of size N, write a code to print the reverse of the array.
  7. For a given string S, how would you reverse the string without disturbing the individual words?
  8. Given a binary tree T, write a function to find its spiral order traversal.

Intuit Behavioral Interview Questions

Intuit behavioral interview questions evaluate your various psychological traits. The behavioral questions seek to identify how you would react in workplace-related situations. You'll have to answer mandatory behavioral questions irrespective of the role or position you apply to. Some sample Intuit behavioral interview questions are as follows:

  1. What makes you eligible for this Intuit position?
  2. How quick are you in learning new technology?
  3. How would you tackle a situation where you do not know the solution?
  4. How would you deal with a co-worker who has conflicting ideas?
  5. How do you set your goals and prioritize your time?
  6. What steps would you take to handle a challenging situation?
  7. Share an instance when you convinced your team lead.
  8. Tell me about a time when you were given a new task, and you did not know the technology behind it. 
  9. How would you handle undeserved criticism from a superior?
  10. What is the best way to maintain a work-life balance?

Domain-Specific Intuit Interview Questions

Intuit frequently hires candidates for several tech roles, and questions on domain expertise form a part of the end rounds of the interview. Here are some technical questions that are asked for specific roles, as mentioned below.

Intuit Senior Software Engineer Interview 

  1. As a software engineer at Intuit, you will have to develop iOS and Android software. When would you prefer a fragment over an activity?
  2. Explain the process to implement three or more stacks in a given array.
  3. How would you control injection risks in SQL?
  4. How are clustered and non-clustered indexes different from each other?
  5. How is real DOM different from virtual DOM?
  6. Why can't browsers read JSX?
  7. How would you test a new system or feature before deployment? 

Intuit Front-end Developer Interview Questions 

  1. What SDLC models are you familiar with?
  2. At intuit, we strive for continuous delivery and continuous deployment. What is your expertise level with these processes in your current work?
  3. Explain the concept of "Scope" in JavaScript. 
  4. What is a git repository, and what does a git clone do? 
  5. When would you prefer GIT over SVN and vice versa?
  6. What are the features of Node.js?

Intuit Backend Developer Interview Questions

  1. What is your latest user interface design experience?
  2. What is your experience level with different types of software maintenance?
  3. What is your experience in working with data in a cloud computing environment?
  4. How would you build an in-memory file system?
  5. What are the merits of using the B-tree index?
  6. What are distributed transactions?
  7. What are the differences between faking, mocking, and stubbing?

Technical Skills Required to Crack Intuit Interview 

You need to acquire some additional technical skills to land a software engineer job at Intuit. Some technical skills that can help uplevel your position as a software engineer at Intuit are:

  • Your knowledge of automation frameworks. 
  • Experience with web services, including REST and SOAP for both development and client-side services. 
  • You should be adept at developing applications on Windows/Mac/OSX platforms.
  • ReactJS, JavaScript, Java. 
  • You must know vital details about AWS, DevOps, and cloud deployment. 
  • UI-based applications and design patterns.
  • Knowledge of the entire SDLC (Software Development Life Cycle).
  • Experience in writing scalable backend services.

How to Stand Out in Intuit Interviews?

You should be well-prepared for all the Intuit software engineer interview question rounds. Here is how you can ace the Intuit interviews:   

  • You must prepare a good portfolio of projects in your software engineering career. This helps showcase your technical skills related to different tech stacks. Interviewers often ask questions based on your resume/ portfolio. 
  • You must have a diversified skill set to succeed in the Intuit software engineer interview. The above Intuit interview questions provide a glimpse of a broad range of topics that the interviews cover.
  • You should practice mock interviews for situation-based questions. While answering each situational question, you must take your time to demonstrate analytical and problem-solving skills effectively. 
  • You must ensure that your answers reflect your rational mindset and critical thinking abilities. 
  • Brush up on programming and database languages. You have to practice with a programming language, such as R or Python. 
  • Most importantly, you must portray yourself as a team player. So, conduct proper research on Intuit values and products before your interview.

Questions to Ask the Interviewer at Intuit

An interview isn't just a chance for the hiring manager to put up questions�it's also your opportunity to inquire about some vital details that will help you decide if a job is the right fit for you.

In an Intuit software engineer interview, you can ask a few questions that augment your value as a potential candidate. Your questions must reflect your interest and eagerness for the software engineering position. Here are some sample questions to ask the interviewer:

  1. What training programs are available to your software engineers?
  2. Which is the most preferred programming language at Intuit? 
  3. Where have successful software engineers previously in this position progressed to?
  4. What metrics will my performance be evaluated against?
  5. Can you tell me about the engineering team I'll be working with?
  6. What more can I provide that would be helpful?
Questions to Ask the Interviewer at Intuit

FAQs About Intuit Interview Questions

Q1. Are Intuit interview questions challenging?

You should be aware that Intuit interview questions are rated as medium-hard by software engineers who have worked for the company. You can ace the interview questions with proper preparation and a solid coding background.

Q2. How many rounds does an Intuit software engineer interview process have?

You will have to appear for three to five rounds for Intuit software engineering positions. Intuit interview questions on coding, data structures and algorithms, and behavioral skills are asked in these rounds.

Q3. How long does it take to hear back after the Intuit interview?

The Intuit hiring process is fast-paced. Once you apply online and advance through the various interview steps successfully, you will hear back within a month.

Q4. Is Intuit a good company to work for?

Based on more than 10,572 employee ratings that were submitted anonymously at Glassdoor, Intuit has an overall rating of 4.4 out of 5. 87% of workers are optimistic about Intuit as a company, and 90% of workers would suggest working there to a friend. The past 12 months have seen a -1 % decline in this rating.

Q5. What is the total compensation for Intuit?

According to, the median yearly total compensation at Intuuit is reported as $250,414.

Ace Your Next Software Engineer Interview at Intuit

You require sound preparation to land a software engineer or software developer role at Intuit. A structured tech interview prep plan, along with the extensive practice of coding, can help you succeed at the Intuit tech interview. 

At Interview Kickstart, we have built a community of tech professionals and career coaches from FAANG+ companies to guide you and teach you winning interview prep strategies and tips to crack technical interviews. Our mock interviews provide you with the necessary practice to improve your interview performance.

Sign up for our FREE webinar to nail your tech interview!

Abhinav Rawat
Product Manager @ Interview Kickstart | Ex-upGrad | BITS Pilani. Working with hiring managers from top companies like Meta, Apple, Google, Amazon etc to build structured interview process BootCamps across domains
The fast well prepared banner

Intuit interview questions are designed to hire the most innovative software engineers with strong technical knowledge and strategic management abilities. They have several rounds of interviews for software engineering positions. 

Intuit's software engineers contribute to developing tools that speed up UI design, enable web services testing, and boost productivity at scale. If you want to be a part of the Intuit software engineering team, you must know the most in-demand and cutting-edge technologies. You must learn how to demonstrate your abilities during the Intuit interview process.

Intuit is a financial software company that creates and offers monetary, book-keeping, duty planning programming, and related administration for businesses, accountants, and people. Intuit offers technical positions for software engineers, developers, tech leads, and engineering managers. Read on to learn in detail about the Intuit interview questions and the hiring process. Also, grasp the best tricks to outperform the competition in your upcoming technical interview.

If you are preparing for a tech interview, check out our technical interview checklist, interview questions page, and salary negotiation e-book to get interview-ready!

Having trained over 10,000 software engineers, we know what it takes to crack the toughest tech interviews. Our alums consistently land offers from FAANG+ companies. The highest ever offer received by an IK alum is a whopping $1.267 Million!

At IK, you get the unique opportunity to learn from expert instructors who are hiring managers and tech leads at Google, Facebook, Apple, and other top Silicon Valley tech companies.

Want to nail your next tech interview? Sign up for our FREE Webinar.

Here's what we'll cover in this article:

  • What Is the Intuit Hiring Process for Software Engineers?
  • Types of Intuit Software Engineer Interview Questions
  • Domain-specific Intuit Interview Questions
  • Technical Skills Required to Crack Intuit Interviews
  • How to Stand Out in Intuit Interviews?
  • FAQs About Intuit Interview Questions

What Is the Intuit Hiring Process for Software Engineers? 

Your tech interview prep requires a strategic plan, and for this, it is vital to know the complete hiring process. The various steps of the Intuit interview process are as follows:

  • Interview Set-up
  • Craft Demo 
  • Assessors Interview 
  • Team-Member Interview
  • Manager Interview
 Intuit Hiring Process for Software Engineers

Interview Set-up

Duration: 90 mins for engineers

Intuit offers a preparation time before the actual interview. You can utilize this time to download coding software/tools, test connectivity, set up computers, and solve technical questions that you might want to present during the on-site craft demo.

Craft Demonstration

Duration: 60 min | 4 Hiring team members

This can be a virtual interview round. You have to answer some basic Intuit phone interview questions that focus on three areas including:

  • About you
  • Key accomplishments in the past
  • Case study or a live coding exercise

The craft demonstration assignment will be given to you as homework 3-5 days prior to your interview via email. The interviewer will present a coding question, and you will have to code right away. You can share your personal and professional achievements while answering Intuit interview questions for this round.

Assessors Interview

Duration: 45 min | 2 Assessors

You have two interviewers in this round. You'll be asked Intuit interview questions that deep dive into your technical skills and software engineering experience. Some sample technical questions are given below. In this round, you can also question the interviewer to know more about your team and responsibilities.

Team Member Interview

Duration: 30 min | One assessor

In this interview round, you will have to meet with a cross-functional colleague who will question you on Intuit's values essential to your role's success. 

This round has several Intuit behavioral interview questions regarding the teams and environments you thrive in. For this round, you should be well-prepared with Data Structure, Operating Systems, Java, OOPs concepts, and updated technology like Python and Data Mining.

Intuit Team Member Interview Round Topics

Manager Interview

Duration: 30-60 min | One manager

You must prepare well for this round, as this is the final Intuit interview stage. The software engineering team manager will question you on your learnings throughout your career. You can expect some advanced questions specific to your role and a few behavioral questions.

If you're interested in pursuing a software engineering career at Intuit, you're probably wondering how much software engineers make at the company. You can learn about  Intuit software engineer's salary and benefits here.

Types of Intuit Interview Questions 

Intuit software engineer interview questions include coding, technical concepts, behavioral, and situational questions. Here are most of the most anticipated Intuit interview questions that you must practice.

Types of Intuit Interview Questions

Intuit Coding Interview Questions 

  1. What key things would you look for when reviewing a code?
  2. Write code to check if a string is a palindrome or not?
  3. Print all permutations of string, both iterative and recursive?
  4. Write a code to check if two strings are anagram.
  5. How to count the occurrence of a given character in a String?
  6. Why is a char array preferred over string for storing passwords?
  7. Write code to implement insertion sort in Java?
  8. For two given strings A and B, find the list of ending indices of every substring of B that's a prefix of A.
  9. For two given arrays, A and B, find the number of pairs for which GCD (a, b)! = 1, where a is a number in A and b in B.

Intuit Interview Questions on Data Structures and Algorithms

The technical interview rounds include Intuit interview questions on Data Structures and Algorithms focusing on the following topics:

  • Binary Tree Example Code
  • Strings and Arrays
  • Linked List
  • Recursion
  • Bit Manipulation
  • Small Programs (String, memory functions)

Some sample Intuit technical interview questions on data structures and algorithms are :

  1. Write a program to return a list of duplicate words in a sentence.
  2. Write a program to delete all nodes of a given value from a linked list.
  3. Write a program to remove duplicates from a given array.
  4. What are divide and conquer algorithms?
  5. Find the pair in the array whose sum is closest to N when you are given a sorted array and a number N.
  6. Given an array of size N, write a code to print the reverse of the array.
  7. For a given string S, how would you reverse the string without disturbing the individual words?
  8. Given a binary tree T, write a function to find its spiral order traversal.

Intuit Behavioral Interview Questions

Intuit behavioral interview questions evaluate your various psychological traits. The behavioral questions seek to identify how you would react in workplace-related situations. You'll have to answer mandatory behavioral questions irrespective of the role or position you apply to. Some sample Intuit behavioral interview questions are as follows:

  1. What makes you eligible for this Intuit position?
  2. How quick are you in learning new technology?
  3. How would you tackle a situation where you do not know the solution?
  4. How would you deal with a co-worker who has conflicting ideas?
  5. How do you set your goals and prioritize your time?
  6. What steps would you take to handle a challenging situation?
  7. Share an instance when you convinced your team lead.
  8. Tell me about a time when you were given a new task, and you did not know the technology behind it. 
  9. How would you handle undeserved criticism from a superior?
  10. What is the best way to maintain a work-life balance?

Domain-Specific Intuit Interview Questions

Intuit frequently hires candidates for several tech roles, and questions on domain expertise form a part of the end rounds of the interview. Here are some technical questions that are asked for specific roles, as mentioned below.

Intuit Senior Software Engineer Interview 

  1. As a software engineer at Intuit, you will have to develop iOS and Android software. When would you prefer a fragment over an activity?
  2. Explain the process to implement three or more stacks in a given array.
  3. How would you control injection risks in SQL?
  4. How are clustered and non-clustered indexes different from each other?
  5. How is real DOM different from virtual DOM?
  6. Why can't browsers read JSX?
  7. How would you test a new system or feature before deployment? 

Intuit Front-end Developer Interview Questions 

  1. What SDLC models are you familiar with?
  2. At intuit, we strive for continuous delivery and continuous deployment. What is your expertise level with these processes in your current work?
  3. Explain the concept of "Scope" in JavaScript. 
  4. What is a git repository, and what does a git clone do? 
  5. When would you prefer GIT over SVN and vice versa?
  6. What are the features of Node.js?

Intuit Backend Developer Interview Questions

  1. What is your latest user interface design experience?
  2. What is your experience level with different types of software maintenance?
  3. What is your experience in working with data in a cloud computing environment?
  4. How would you build an in-memory file system?
  5. What are the merits of using the B-tree index?
  6. What are distributed transactions?
  7. What are the differences between faking, mocking, and stubbing?

Technical Skills Required to Crack Intuit Interview 

You need to acquire some additional technical skills to land a software engineer job at Intuit. Some technical skills that can help uplevel your position as a software engineer at Intuit are:

  • Your knowledge of automation frameworks. 
  • Experience with web services, including REST and SOAP for both development and client-side services. 
  • You should be adept at developing applications on Windows/Mac/OSX platforms.
  • ReactJS, JavaScript, Java. 
  • You must know vital details about AWS, DevOps, and cloud deployment. 
  • UI-based applications and design patterns.
  • Knowledge of the entire SDLC (Software Development Life Cycle).
  • Experience in writing scalable backend services.

How to Stand Out in Intuit Interviews?

You should be well-prepared for all the Intuit software engineer interview question rounds. Here is how you can ace the Intuit interviews:   

  • You must prepare a good portfolio of projects in your software engineering career. This helps showcase your technical skills related to different tech stacks. Interviewers often ask questions based on your resume/ portfolio. 
  • You must have a diversified skill set to succeed in the Intuit software engineer interview. The above Intuit interview questions provide a glimpse of a broad range of topics that the interviews cover.
  • You should practice mock interviews for situation-based questions. While answering each situational question, you must take your time to demonstrate analytical and problem-solving skills effectively. 
  • You must ensure that your answers reflect your rational mindset and critical thinking abilities. 
  • Brush up on programming and database languages. You have to practice with a programming language, such as R or Python. 
  • Most importantly, you must portray yourself as a team player. So, conduct proper research on Intuit values and products before your interview.

Questions to Ask the Interviewer at Intuit

An interview isn't just a chance for the hiring manager to put up questions�it's also your opportunity to inquire about some vital details that will help you decide if a job is the right fit for you.

In an Intuit software engineer interview, you can ask a few questions that augment your value as a potential candidate. Your questions must reflect your interest and eagerness for the software engineering position. Here are some sample questions to ask the interviewer:

  1. What training programs are available to your software engineers?
  2. Which is the most preferred programming language at Intuit? 
  3. Where have successful software engineers previously in this position progressed to?
  4. What metrics will my performance be evaluated against?
  5. Can you tell me about the engineering team I'll be working with?
  6. What more can I provide that would be helpful?
Questions to Ask the Interviewer at Intuit

FAQs About Intuit Interview Questions

Q1. Are Intuit interview questions challenging?

You should be aware that Intuit interview questions are rated as medium-hard by software engineers who have worked for the company. You can ace the interview questions with proper preparation and a solid coding background.

Q2. How many rounds does an Intuit software engineer interview process have?

You will have to appear for three to five rounds for Intuit software engineering positions. Intuit interview questions on coding, data structures and algorithms, and behavioral skills are asked in these rounds.

Q3. How long does it take to hear back after the Intuit interview?

The Intuit hiring process is fast-paced. Once you apply online and advance through the various interview steps successfully, you will hear back within a month.

Q4. Is Intuit a good company to work for?

Based on more than 10,572 employee ratings that were submitted anonymously at Glassdoor, Intuit has an overall rating of 4.4 out of 5. 87% of workers are optimistic about Intuit as a company, and 90% of workers would suggest working there to a friend. The past 12 months have seen a -1 % decline in this rating.

Q5. What is the total compensation for Intuit?

According to, the median yearly total compensation at Intuuit is reported as $250,414.

Ace Your Next Software Engineer Interview at Intuit

You require sound preparation to land a software engineer or software developer role at Intuit. A structured tech interview prep plan, along with the extensive practice of coding, can help you succeed at the Intuit tech interview. 

At Interview Kickstart, we have built a community of tech professionals and career coaches from FAANG+ companies to guide you and teach you winning interview prep strategies and tips to crack technical interviews. Our mock interviews provide you with the necessary practice to improve your interview performance.

Sign up for our FREE webinar to nail your tech interview!

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