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Android Interview Questions to Crack Your Tech Interview

by Interview Kickstart Team in Interview Questions
May 30, 2024

Android Interview Questions to Crack Your Tech Interview

Last updated by Dipen Dadhaniya on May 30, 2024 at 05:42 PM | Reading time: 12 minutes

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The Android interview questions in a tech interview assess your knowledge of programming languages. You may be asked to implement several features in an existing codebase or a new app.

With the increase in Android App development, job opportunities for Android developers are expected to grow exponentially in the coming years. Here is a list of important Android interview questions for freshers, senior developers, and tech leads that will help you ace your Android interview.

If you are a software engineer, coding engineer, software developer, engineering manager, or tech lead preparing for tech interviews, check out our technical interview checklist, interview questions page, and salary negotiation ebook to get interview-ready!

Having trained over 9,000 software engineers, we know what it takes to crack the most challenging tech interviews. Since 2014, Interview Kickstart alums have landed lucrative offers from FAANG and Tier-1 tech companies, with an average salary hike of 49%. The highest-ever offer received by an IK alum is a whopping $1.267 Million!

At IK, you get the unique opportunity to learn from expert instructors, hiring managers, and tech leads at Google, Facebook, Apple, and other top Silicon Valley tech companies. Our reviews will tell you how we've shaped the careers of thousands of professionals aspiring to take their careers to new heights.

Want to nail your next tech interview? Sign up for our FREE Webinar.

Here are some of the most frequently asked Android interview questions at various IT companies. We'll go over Android interview questions about coding, system design, and other topics.

Here's what we'll cover:

  • Top Android Interview Questions
  • Android Interview Questions for Senior Developers
  • Sample Android Interview Questions for Practice
  • FAQs on Android Interview Questions

Top Android Interview Questions

Here are the Android Interview Questions asked in FAANG companies. Whether you have applied for the position of software engineer, software developer, engineering manager, or tech lead, these Android Interview Questions will help ace your next interview.

Q1. What is Android?

Android is an open-sourced operating system. Founded by Andy Rubin, it is a Linux-based operating system. It allows software developers to create and run applications that perform basic and advanced functions. The latest version is Android 12.0 - Android 'Snow-Code' that was released in October 2021. The main advantages of Android are:

  • It is open-sourced, i.e., it requires no license and developmental fee.
  • It is platform-independent and supports a long list of technologies.

Q2. What are some disadvantages of Android?

The disadvantages of Android are:

  • Several fake applications might appear on the platform to steal important data.
  • It has no straightforward policy on adapting to various OS versions and upgrades.
  • Background data usage often leads to poor speed.

Q3. What is an Activity? What is the lifecycle of Android Activity?

An Activity in Android is the screen representation of an application. It is a single screen that represents GUI (Graphical User Interface). Users can interact with activities like dialing the phone, logging in, and viewing email. The lifecycle of android activity is an important part of Android interview questions.

The lifecycle of Android activity consists of seven methods:

  • OnCreate(): When an activity is created, it creates views and collects data from bundles.
  • OnStart(): The activity becomes visible to the user.
  • OnResume(): When the activity comes to the foreground, it will interact with the user.
  • OnPause(): The activity is available in the background but has not been terminated yet.
  • OnStop(): When an activity is not visible to the user.
  • OnDestroy(): When the activity is destroyed.
  • OnRestart(): This is called after the activity has been temporarily stopped, i.e., before it starts again.

Q4. What is Android Debug Bridge?

Android Debug Bridge is a command-line tool. It is used to communicate with the emulator instance. ADB controls your device over USB from a computer, installs and uninstalled apps, copies files back and forth, and more. It is a client-server program that incorporates three components: client, server, and daemon.

Q5. Explain the Android Application Architecture.

Android architecture refers to the various layers in the Android stack and forms an integral part of Android developer interview questions. It includes the Android operating system, middleware, and important applications. Every layer in the architecture provides services to the layer just above it. The four layers are:

  • Linux Kernel
  • Libraries
  • Android Framework
  • Android Applications

Q6. What is the APK format?  

APK stands for Android Packaging Key. It is a compressed key containing classes, UIs, supportive assets, and manifest. All files are compressed into a single file format, i.e., in APK.

Q7. What is Toast in Android?

The various vital terms related to Android programs are frequently asked in Android interview questions. An Android toast is a brief message displayed on the screen which provides feedback to the users about the status of the operation initiated by them.

Q8. What is AAPT?

AAPT stands for Android Asset Packaging Tool. It carries out the packaging process by allowing developers to view, create, and update ZIP-compatible archives (zip, jar, and APK). It compiles the resources into a binary format, optimizing them for the Android platform.

Android Interview Questions for Senior Developers

Some advanced Android interview questions for senior developers include the most crucial topics like intents, manifest, fragments, widgets, and more. Here is a list of important Android developer interview questions.

Q1. What are Intents in Android? What are the different types of intents?

An intent is a kind of information passed to the components of an application. It is a messaging object used to request an action from other components of an application. It is used to launch an activity. There are two types of intents:

  • Implicit intent invokes the system components.
  • Explicit intent invokes the activity class.

Q2. What is the Android Manifest?

The Android manifest file describes essential information about applications to the Android system, build tools, the operating system, and Google Play. This information is a must for the system before running any app's code. The various aspects of the applications and Android systems form an important part of Android interview questions.

Q3. What are sensors in Android?

Android devices have multiple built-in, highly accurate sensors which measure certain parameters such as orientation, position, temperature, and many more.

The three main sensors in Android devices are:

  • Position Sensors, which are orientational sensors that measure the Android device's physical position.
  • Motion Sensors that sense gravity, rotational activity, and acceleration. They analyze the rotation of the device.  
  • Environmental Sensors that measure temperature, pressure, humidity, and other environmental factors.

Q4. Which troubleshooting techniques can help with frequently crashing applications on Android?

If Android applications crash frequently, you can take the following steps that guarantee higher success rates:

  • Check whether the application is compatible with your operating system.
  • Consider checking the processing power memory management.
  • Experts suggest that deleting the application's data often boosts the application's performance. That is because it clears the application's cache memory and allows some free space on your device.

Q5. What is the significance of the .dex file?

The various Android programs and their implementation strategies form an integral part of Android team lead interview questions. A .dex file (Dalvik Executable file) compiles Android programs which are then zipped into a .apk file. A .dex file is created by translating compiled Java applications and optimized for efficient storage.

Q6. What is DDMS?

DDMS stands for Dalvik Debug Monitor Server. It is a debugging tool in the Android system that offers the following array of debugging features:

  • Incoming call, SMS, and location data spoofing
  • Port forwarding services
  • Logcat
  • Screen capture on the device
  • Thread and heap information
  • Network traffic tracking

Q7. What is the difference between services, threads, and activity?

The key differences between services, threads, and activity are:

Q16. What is Orientation in Android? How is it done?

Orientation in Android helps to represent the layout in a row or column.

The syntax for orientation is:

<activity android name=".activity" android: screenOrientation="portrait">

Q17.What are the exceptions in Android?

An exception occurs during a program execution that disrupts the normal flow of the program's instructions. Android interview questions are related to the following types of exceptions:  

  • InflateException: Thrown when error conditions occur.  
  • Surface.OutOfResourceException: Thrown when a surface is not created or resized.
  • SurfaceHolder.BadSurfaceTypeException: Thrown from lockCanvas() method when invoked on a Surface ‘SURFACE_TYPE_PUSH_BUFFERS’.
  • WindowManager.BadTokenException: Thrown when trying to view an invalid WindowManager.LayoutParamstoken.

Q18. What is AndroidManifest.xml?

It is one of the majorly asked Android interview questions. An Androidmanifest.xml file is essential for every Android application. It contains information regarding the application. An Android system must know this vital information before executing codes.

Q19. What is Android Runtime? What is the significance of DVM?

Android Runtime (ART) is the managed runtime used by Android applications and system services. It consists of Dalvik Virtual Machine and Core Java Libraries. DVM has the following significance:

  • It is optimized for low memory and low processing power environments.
  • The DVM runs .dex files and does not run .class files.
  • The Dalvik core class library provides a familiar development base for programming with Java Standard Edition but is set exactly for the needs of a small mobile device.

Q20. What is AIDL? What are the data types AIDL supports?

AIDL is the most predominant part of Android interview questions and answers. AIDL stands for Android Interface Definition Language. It handles the interface requirements between a client and a service through interprocess communication. The process includes breaking down objects into primitives that are understandable by Android. AIDL supports the following data types:

  • MAP
  • String
  • List
  • CharSequence
  • Native Java data types like int, long, char, and Boolean

Sample Android Interview Questions

Here are some more Android Interview Questions for practice. Solving these will help you ace your Android interview.

  1. List all the versions of Android.
  2. What is the Google Android SDK?
  3. State differences between implicit intent and explicit intent.
  4. Distinguish JVM from DVM.
  5. What role does Dalvik play in Android development?
  6. What is ANR? How can ANR be prevented?
  7. State differences between Serializable and Parcelable.
  8. What is the significance of LINUX ID in Android?
  9. What is the difference between a regular bitmap and a nine-patch image?
  10. What are the steps of creating a bounded service through AIDL?
  11. When is the best time to kill a foreground activity?
  12. What is a portable wifi hotspot?
  13. What is Orientation in Android? How is it done?

These top Android interview questions will give you all the information you need to ace your upcoming software developer interview. The topics covered in this article are the most sought-after skill sets in Android developers, according to engineering managers.

FAQs on Android Interview Questions

Q1. What should I study for Android interview questions?

You must primarily work on the fundamentals and strengthen Java or Kotlin programming concepts. You must prepare for the data structures, algorithms, and the latest trends in Android technology for Android interview questions.

Q2. What coding concepts are important for Android interview questions?

The important coding concepts you must prepare for Android interview questions are arrays, strings, hash tables, linked lists, recursion, sorting algorithms, trees, graphs, and dynamic programming.

Q3. What happens in a virtual session of an Android interview?

While asking Android interview questions, interviewers might ask you to implement features in either a new app or an existing codebase in virtual Android apps interview questions. You are supposed to code in Android Studio on your laptop/PC and screen share with the interviewer.

Q4. Which programming language is best suited for Android interview questions?

Java and Kotlin are the best programming languages for Android interview questions as they offer faster deployment compilation and prevent applications from increasing size.

Q5. What is API in Android?

An Application Programming Interface (API) is a set of rules ('code') and specifications that programs can use to communicate with one another. The end-user sends a request, the API executes the instruction, retrieves the data from the server, and responds to the user.

Ace Your Next Interview with Interview Kickstart

Learn more about the Android interview questions, processes, technical questions, and more with Interview Kickstart. Since its inception in 2014, Interview Kickstart has helped thousands of experienced engineers realize their true calling. We aim to help engineers get better acquainted with the intricacies of their chosen field and provide them with all the guidance they need to clear interviews with tech giants.

Sign up now to learn more!

Dipen Dadhaniya
Engineering Manager at Interview Kickstart
The fast well prepared banner

The Android interview questions in a tech interview assess your knowledge of programming languages. You may be asked to implement several features in an existing codebase or a new app.

With the increase in Android App development, job opportunities for Android developers are expected to grow exponentially in the coming years. Here is a list of important Android interview questions for freshers, senior developers, and tech leads that will help you ace your Android interview.

If you are a software engineer, coding engineer, software developer, engineering manager, or tech lead preparing for tech interviews, check out our technical interview checklist, interview questions page, and salary negotiation ebook to get interview-ready!

Having trained over 9,000 software engineers, we know what it takes to crack the most challenging tech interviews. Since 2014, Interview Kickstart alums have landed lucrative offers from FAANG and Tier-1 tech companies, with an average salary hike of 49%. The highest-ever offer received by an IK alum is a whopping $1.267 Million!

At IK, you get the unique opportunity to learn from expert instructors, hiring managers, and tech leads at Google, Facebook, Apple, and other top Silicon Valley tech companies. Our reviews will tell you how we've shaped the careers of thousands of professionals aspiring to take their careers to new heights.

Want to nail your next tech interview? Sign up for our FREE Webinar.

Here are some of the most frequently asked Android interview questions at various IT companies. We'll go over Android interview questions about coding, system design, and other topics.

Here's what we'll cover:

  • Top Android Interview Questions
  • Android Interview Questions for Senior Developers
  • Sample Android Interview Questions for Practice
  • FAQs on Android Interview Questions

Top Android Interview Questions

Here are the Android Interview Questions asked in FAANG companies. Whether you have applied for the position of software engineer, software developer, engineering manager, or tech lead, these Android Interview Questions will help ace your next interview.

Q1. What is Android?

Android is an open-sourced operating system. Founded by Andy Rubin, it is a Linux-based operating system. It allows software developers to create and run applications that perform basic and advanced functions. The latest version is Android 12.0 - Android 'Snow-Code' that was released in October 2021. The main advantages of Android are:

  • It is open-sourced, i.e., it requires no license and developmental fee.
  • It is platform-independent and supports a long list of technologies.

Q2. What are some disadvantages of Android?

The disadvantages of Android are:

  • Several fake applications might appear on the platform to steal important data.
  • It has no straightforward policy on adapting to various OS versions and upgrades.
  • Background data usage often leads to poor speed.

Q3. What is an Activity? What is the lifecycle of Android Activity?

An Activity in Android is the screen representation of an application. It is a single screen that represents GUI (Graphical User Interface). Users can interact with activities like dialing the phone, logging in, and viewing email. The lifecycle of android activity is an important part of Android interview questions.

The lifecycle of Android activity consists of seven methods:

  • OnCreate(): When an activity is created, it creates views and collects data from bundles.
  • OnStart(): The activity becomes visible to the user.
  • OnResume(): When the activity comes to the foreground, it will interact with the user.
  • OnPause(): The activity is available in the background but has not been terminated yet.
  • OnStop(): When an activity is not visible to the user.
  • OnDestroy(): When the activity is destroyed.
  • OnRestart(): This is called after the activity has been temporarily stopped, i.e., before it starts again.

Q4. What is Android Debug Bridge?

Android Debug Bridge is a command-line tool. It is used to communicate with the emulator instance. ADB controls your device over USB from a computer, installs and uninstalled apps, copies files back and forth, and more. It is a client-server program that incorporates three components: client, server, and daemon.

Q5. Explain the Android Application Architecture.

Android architecture refers to the various layers in the Android stack and forms an integral part of Android developer interview questions. It includes the Android operating system, middleware, and important applications. Every layer in the architecture provides services to the layer just above it. The four layers are:

  • Linux Kernel
  • Libraries
  • Android Framework
  • Android Applications

Q6. What is the APK format?  

APK stands for Android Packaging Key. It is a compressed key containing classes, UIs, supportive assets, and manifest. All files are compressed into a single file format, i.e., in APK.

Q7. What is Toast in Android?

The various vital terms related to Android programs are frequently asked in Android interview questions. An Android toast is a brief message displayed on the screen which provides feedback to the users about the status of the operation initiated by them.

Q8. What is AAPT?

AAPT stands for Android Asset Packaging Tool. It carries out the packaging process by allowing developers to view, create, and update ZIP-compatible archives (zip, jar, and APK). It compiles the resources into a binary format, optimizing them for the Android platform.

Android Interview Questions for Senior Developers

Some advanced Android interview questions for senior developers include the most crucial topics like intents, manifest, fragments, widgets, and more. Here is a list of important Android developer interview questions.

Q1. What are Intents in Android? What are the different types of intents?

An intent is a kind of information passed to the components of an application. It is a messaging object used to request an action from other components of an application. It is used to launch an activity. There are two types of intents:

  • Implicit intent invokes the system components.
  • Explicit intent invokes the activity class.

Q2. What is the Android Manifest?

The Android manifest file describes essential information about applications to the Android system, build tools, the operating system, and Google Play. This information is a must for the system before running any app's code. The various aspects of the applications and Android systems form an important part of Android interview questions.

Q3. What are sensors in Android?

Android devices have multiple built-in, highly accurate sensors which measure certain parameters such as orientation, position, temperature, and many more.

The three main sensors in Android devices are:

  • Position Sensors, which are orientational sensors that measure the Android device's physical position.
  • Motion Sensors that sense gravity, rotational activity, and acceleration. They analyze the rotation of the device.  
  • Environmental Sensors that measure temperature, pressure, humidity, and other environmental factors.

Q4. Which troubleshooting techniques can help with frequently crashing applications on Android?

If Android applications crash frequently, you can take the following steps that guarantee higher success rates:

  • Check whether the application is compatible with your operating system.
  • Consider checking the processing power memory management.
  • Experts suggest that deleting the application's data often boosts the application's performance. That is because it clears the application's cache memory and allows some free space on your device.

Q5. What is the significance of the .dex file?

The various Android programs and their implementation strategies form an integral part of Android team lead interview questions. A .dex file (Dalvik Executable file) compiles Android programs which are then zipped into a .apk file. A .dex file is created by translating compiled Java applications and optimized for efficient storage.

Q6. What is DDMS?

DDMS stands for Dalvik Debug Monitor Server. It is a debugging tool in the Android system that offers the following array of debugging features:

  • Incoming call, SMS, and location data spoofing
  • Port forwarding services
  • Logcat
  • Screen capture on the device
  • Thread and heap information
  • Network traffic tracking

Q7. What is the difference between services, threads, and activity?

The key differences between services, threads, and activity are:

Q16. What is Orientation in Android? How is it done?

Orientation in Android helps to represent the layout in a row or column.

The syntax for orientation is:

<activity android name=".activity" android: screenOrientation="portrait">

Q17.What are the exceptions in Android?

An exception occurs during a program execution that disrupts the normal flow of the program's instructions. Android interview questions are related to the following types of exceptions:  

  • InflateException: Thrown when error conditions occur.  
  • Surface.OutOfResourceException: Thrown when a surface is not created or resized.
  • SurfaceHolder.BadSurfaceTypeException: Thrown from lockCanvas() method when invoked on a Surface ‘SURFACE_TYPE_PUSH_BUFFERS’.
  • WindowManager.BadTokenException: Thrown when trying to view an invalid WindowManager.LayoutParamstoken.

Q18. What is AndroidManifest.xml?

It is one of the majorly asked Android interview questions. An Androidmanifest.xml file is essential for every Android application. It contains information regarding the application. An Android system must know this vital information before executing codes.

Q19. What is Android Runtime? What is the significance of DVM?

Android Runtime (ART) is the managed runtime used by Android applications and system services. It consists of Dalvik Virtual Machine and Core Java Libraries. DVM has the following significance:

  • It is optimized for low memory and low processing power environments.
  • The DVM runs .dex files and does not run .class files.
  • The Dalvik core class library provides a familiar development base for programming with Java Standard Edition but is set exactly for the needs of a small mobile device.

Q20. What is AIDL? What are the data types AIDL supports?

AIDL is the most predominant part of Android interview questions and answers. AIDL stands for Android Interface Definition Language. It handles the interface requirements between a client and a service through interprocess communication. The process includes breaking down objects into primitives that are understandable by Android. AIDL supports the following data types:

  • MAP
  • String
  • List
  • CharSequence
  • Native Java data types like int, long, char, and Boolean

Sample Android Interview Questions

Here are some more Android Interview Questions for practice. Solving these will help you ace your Android interview.

  1. List all the versions of Android.
  2. What is the Google Android SDK?
  3. State differences between implicit intent and explicit intent.
  4. Distinguish JVM from DVM.
  5. What role does Dalvik play in Android development?
  6. What is ANR? How can ANR be prevented?
  7. State differences between Serializable and Parcelable.
  8. What is the significance of LINUX ID in Android?
  9. What is the difference between a regular bitmap and a nine-patch image?
  10. What are the steps of creating a bounded service through AIDL?
  11. When is the best time to kill a foreground activity?
  12. What is a portable wifi hotspot?
  13. What is Orientation in Android? How is it done?

These top Android interview questions will give you all the information you need to ace your upcoming software developer interview. The topics covered in this article are the most sought-after skill sets in Android developers, according to engineering managers.

FAQs on Android Interview Questions

Q1. What should I study for Android interview questions?

You must primarily work on the fundamentals and strengthen Java or Kotlin programming concepts. You must prepare for the data structures, algorithms, and the latest trends in Android technology for Android interview questions.

Q2. What coding concepts are important for Android interview questions?

The important coding concepts you must prepare for Android interview questions are arrays, strings, hash tables, linked lists, recursion, sorting algorithms, trees, graphs, and dynamic programming.

Q3. What happens in a virtual session of an Android interview?

While asking Android interview questions, interviewers might ask you to implement features in either a new app or an existing codebase in virtual Android apps interview questions. You are supposed to code in Android Studio on your laptop/PC and screen share with the interviewer.

Q4. Which programming language is best suited for Android interview questions?

Java and Kotlin are the best programming languages for Android interview questions as they offer faster deployment compilation and prevent applications from increasing size.

Q5. What is API in Android?

An Application Programming Interface (API) is a set of rules ('code') and specifications that programs can use to communicate with one another. The end-user sends a request, the API executes the instruction, retrieves the data from the server, and responds to the user.

Ace Your Next Interview with Interview Kickstart

Learn more about the Android interview questions, processes, technical questions, and more with Interview Kickstart. Since its inception in 2014, Interview Kickstart has helped thousands of experienced engineers realize their true calling. We aim to help engineers get better acquainted with the intricacies of their chosen field and provide them with all the guidance they need to clear interviews with tech giants.

Sign up now to learn more!

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