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How to Answer the Interview Question ??"Why Should We Hire You?"

by Interview Kickstart Team in Interview Questions
October 10, 2024

How to Answer the Interview Question ??"Why Should We Hire You?"

Last updated by Abhinav Rawat on Aug 31, 2024 at 02:31 PM | Reading time: 16 minutes

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Is there a right way to answer 'why we should hire you?'. This common question seems borderline simple. However, it could pose some complications. Regardless of how confident or sure you feel you can answer it, you might fall short of answering it the ideal way.

Many people think they won't be asked this question. This question is, however, quite regularly asked in interviews.

In this article, you will learn how to answer the interview question why should we hire you. You will get some essential tips and tricks with examples to prepare the right answer to this question. Let's begin.

Here's what this article will cover:

  1. Why Do Employers Ask, “Why Should We Hire You?”
  2. How To Answer “Why Should We Hire You?”
  3. To Answer, “Why Should We Hire You?” You Should
  4. Points To Include While Answering
  5. Common Mistakes To Avoid While Answering

Why Do Employers Ask, “Why Should We Hire You?”

It might seem like this question doesn’t hold any value or significance. After all, it is one of the most overused questions in an interview. However, it’s their ace in a hole that helps them weed out undeserving candidates from the deserving ones. So, how to answer the question, why should we hire you?

There’s no straight answer to this question because it’s a trick question. This question aims to evaluate the candidate’s qualifications, preparations, and overall personality. If you’ve prepared in any manner, you understand that this question will inevitably be posed to you. That’s what they are waiting for: To see how you will react.

How To Answer “Why Should We Hire You?”

There are three different segments that you have to cover. You have to cover what you should do to prepare for the answer, the points to cover and avoid mistakes. As mentioned above, there isn’t a single right answer to the question. It’s to gauge your capabilities. So, here’s everything you need to know:

To Answer, “Why Should We Hire You?” You Should

These are all highly essential points you should practice if you want to break the chain of the ever present and undefeated question:

  • Study The Job Posting

Learn everything about the position you’re applying for. Start by understanding its role in the company and the duties it has. Then you can find out whether it requires any specific skill that you might have.

For example: “It seems like you need someone with better communication to understand your concept and draw it. I am good at rapid sketching and also forming new concepts. It wouldn’t take me too much time to provide various samples according to the idea.”  

It’s simple. You are highlighting some additional skills that could help them improve their workflow or expertise. It doesn’t necessarily have to be related to the job, but finding a branched skill is often best.

  • Research The Company

This point isn’t just important for this particular question. It should be an indispensable requirement. Always research the company, its background, and recent activities. Most of the companies have websites and social media. You can learn more about them there.

For example:  “I noticed that your social media handles have been quite active. It’s interesting to see the graphics. I believe I have some ideas that could enhance their appeal for better reach.”

It shows that you’ve done your due diligence regarding the company and learned about it before coming here. You can even use it as a power play to put some pressure on them. They will certainly be impressed.

  • Tie Your Background To The Job Posting

One of the best things you can do is always tie the position’s expertise to your background somehow. It’s not a professional background or your qualification. Try to go into the personal background, family history, or something. You can tie your background to anything, even if your background is different.

For example: “Well, graphic designing requires you to be good at marketing. You need to sell your designs, and I happen to come from a family of marketing experts. I can put myself in the shoes of the audience and bring you better concepts.”  

It’s completely unrelated to a graphic designer’s background. Still, the way with words makes it sound like it could be a valuable asset. That’s what you need to do with your background, find its strengths, and associate it with the job. It’s one of the best ways to learn how to answer why do you think this position is a good fit for you.

  • Quantify Your Accomplishments

Sometimes it’s better to boast a little, and while your resume might have the accomplishments you’re proud of, people often overlook them. This is where you can use any accomplishment to pull a one-up, even if it was short-termed and a one-time wonder.

For example: “I remember when our team leader wasn’t available, and our project was in chaos. My manager asked me to lead, and that’s when I learned that I have some management skills. I was able to lead the team efficiently. Perhaps if you consider hiring me, these could be valuable for you.”

This might’ve been a one-time thing, but it certainly shows that you might have other skills that could be useful. They may not need it immediately, but we all tend to think about ‘what if,’ and that’s where this card plays beautifully.

  • Go Above And Beyond

Boast if you have to, flaunt if you need to, highlight the accomplishments or showcase your background. Whatever you plan on doing, get into it, and even make it sound like a big deal. For you, it might be nothing but a little quality or achievement, but if you use the right words, you can magnify its impact. The examples mentioned above are all something that works as a short answer.

However, don’t spend too much time on the question. There’s no need for you to linger or beat around the bush. Keep it short and straightforward.

  • Brainstorm: “Why Should We Hire You?”

Maybe you didn’t expect it at all, and now you have to brainstorm the idea about how to respond to why we should hire you.Here’s a highly beneficial tip: Branch something out of your conversation and interview so far.

You can make a judgment call and point out something you think the company requires from your interview and propose it. A rebuttal through proposing a question back is viable as well.

For example: “From our conversation, it seems like you need someone who’s not only good in graphic designing, but also marketing. Can you elaborate on that a little?”

It shows that you’re not there to listen and answer. You were evaluating the company, too. You have a presence of mind, and you pay attention to things. It shows that you are truly interested, and this makes you stand out from other candidates.

  • Structure Your Sales Pitch

How do you answer why should I hire you? The question is the same as ‘why should we buy this item?’ or ‘why should we consider your services?’ Hence, it requires a marketing and sales approach. You have to create a need for them and then provide a solution to that need. Alternatively, you can prove to them that you add value to their company. Each example above has helped point out a certain need or requirement. Play with that. Even if you think they don’t have a need. Try pitching. There’s no loss.

For example: “Apart from my graphic expertise, I happen to be a part-time writer. Perhaps my way with words could help you get better and enticing content. I wouldn’t have to rely upon a writing team, at least.”

It created a need and provide value. ‘Writing.’ They might not have a writer, or even if they did, it shows that the writer wouldn’t necessarily have to work with you. Hence, you’re providing value.

  • Practice

Finally, they will pay attention to the way you used it. Your speed, posture, and body language, everything matters. It would be best if you remained calm and poised. For this, you have to practice, let it be known that you did your research and prepared. Even if you’re not expecting the question, it is one of the best practices to secure your position.

Points To Include While Answering

There’s a different approach that you can take. You don’t have to look like you’re rushing the answer or trying to prove a point. Take your time and cover these points to make the answer longer if you have to. Just make sure not to rush, or they will think that you’re telling them a mouthful. These points are also great if you want to learn how to answer why do you think this position is a good fit for you.

  • Industry Experience

Make sure to highlight your experience in the industry. The industry should be related to the job position, not irrelevant. Your resume covers your work history so far. You have to graze slightly as a highlight while giving out the answer.

  • Experience In Performing Certain Tasks Or Duties

During your research regarding the job profile, you will learn about various duties. Try to pinpoint the ones you’ve done in the past that are related to the job profile. Use them in your answers. For example, if you’re applying for a managing post and did a manager’s job even once, it’s a good highlight.

  • Technical Skills

This never goes out of style. How much practice do you have regarding the skills required for the job? It is related to the job experience but more on a practical approach. You can let them know that you have certain technical skills.

  • Soft Skills

Some skills branch from the job, as mentioned before. They are not imminently required but might be something that could be valuable. You can highlight these soft skills to turn the odds in your favor. For instance, telling them about your background that is not related to the field but may help with the skillset required.

  • Key Accomplishments

As mentioned in the exampled above, it is vital to always tell about your key accomplishments. These are not some short term or one-time wonder. The key accomplishments are certain tasks you’ve done proficiently or commitment you have delivered, among others. It could’ve been a promotion or recognition. For example, even if you were promoted earlier or had an increment, that’s a great accomplishment.

  • Awards/Accolades

Certifications, awards, or recognition, if you have anything like these, make sure to use them in your answer. It will reinforce your credibility for the company and appear more reliable and well-versed in the field.

  • Education/Training

Once again, you’re not there to repeat what’s in your documents and resume. However, you can highlight some skills or knowledge you learned while pursuing the relevant education or training. For example, while you were training to be a graphic designer, you also learned sound editing. It could show them you have more skills. If you’ve had any former training, that’s a big plus.

Common Mistakes To Avoid While Answering

As you learn about all the essential points to cover about how to answer interview questions why should we hire you,avoid these mistakes at any cost:

  • Memorizing Your Answer

You need to be prepared and practice the answer. However, there’s no need for you to look like you’ve memorized the answer. Once they ask the question, take your time. If needed, put your observations and what you learned about the company to test. Memorizing the answer never works because if you forget even a single line, you may stutter, and that won’t look good.

  • Coming Across As Arrogant Or Overly Confident

Be cool, be poised but be humble. Don’t be too cocky or arrogant. Use the right words; don’t be absolute with your answers. That’s the best way to avoid sounding too confident or arrogant. Instead of ‘I can help you.’ You need to approach with ‘I might be of some help.’ Type of approach. Being modest and humble will get you everywhere.

  • Speaking For Too Long

As mentioned above, you can’t give too long of an answer. It might sound impossible with points to remember. However, keep those points one or two sentences long at best. That would enable you to cover every aspect without making it long. You have to answer within the first 10 to 20 seconds at best.

  • Speaking Too Fast

As the point was imposed, you have to remain calm and let the interviewer process the words and information you’re giving them. Take your time to answer, and you don’t need to follow the 10-20 seconds rule. Make sure to take breaks, think, and then answer. Pose the answer correctly.

Sample “Why Should We Hire You?” Answers

Here is a quick format that could work in almost every field and job profession:

“I’ve been in the industry for [years] and possess apt skills in [technical skill]. To further excel, I’ve managed to accumulate [soft skills]. These enabled me to [Any achievement], and I’ve received [award/recognitions]. It’s all possible due to my [education/training]. Therefore, I believe I could be the right choice.”

Answer Sample 1: Programmer / Developer

“You can probably gauge most of the qualifications and expertise. However, I have a knack for consistently working until my programs showcase tangible results. I like to secure it so that future problems can be eliminated. I believe that if we invest time right now to do the job right, you can save a lot of time in the future, and that’s the key strength that makes me a good developer/programmer.”

Answer Sample 2: Designer / Editor

“To learn how to create something, first you have to learn how it works or looks like. That’s what I do. I don’t rely strictly upon my creativity and imagination; I accumulate the right sources and inspirations. Through proper research, I come up with unique concepts that have helped me so far in my endeavors. Perhaps it could be useful to you, as well.”

Answer Sample 3: Marketing / Sales

“I believe that you have to sell everything to everyone in this world to survive. Right now, I would have to attempt to sell the right answer to your question. However, a proper sales pitch requires strategy and patience to conduct research. That’s what I excel in, and it helps me stand out from others.”

Answer Sample 4: Engineer / Technician

“Apart from my experience in the field, I have a knack for keeping my equipment up to date or in the best operational condition. With me, you will not only get a person right for the job but someone who values your equipment and machines. I’ve been a builder since childhood, and it shows in my skills. Hence, I chose this profession.”

Answer Sample 5: Manager / Other Senior Positions

“If I give you a personal life example, then I handle all the finances, bills, and functions of my households optimally. I come from a background where you need to work together in order to thrive. However, I realize that sometimes you have to be firm with the actions, as well. I believe this gives you a clear insight into what makes me right for the job. What would you say?”

Answer Sample 6: Security / Administration

“According to what I could gather, these positions require proper focus and alertness. Often, you need to be ready to take any action and follow commands, if necessary. I don’t have many distractions, and I like to commit to my profession diligently. Perhaps that could work for the promptness this job requires.”

Answer Sample 7: Cashier / Clerk / Associates

“I strongly believe that this position is a frontline in any enterprise. Therefore, it needs to reflect the company’s work culture with proper workflow. As someone who understands how valuable these associates are, I believe I can help by improving not only myself but others in the staff.”

Answer Sample 8: Customer Executive

“In any problem-solving task, patience is an indispensable virtue that anyone requires. Perhaps my ability to stay calm and conduct thorough research before providing a solution is something that could benefit the role of a customer executive.”

Abhinav Rawat
Product Manager @ Interview Kickstart | Ex-upGrad | BITS Pilani. Working with hiring managers from top companies like Meta, Apple, Google, Amazon etc to build structured interview process BootCamps across domains
The fast well prepared banner

Is there a right way to answer 'why we should hire you?'. This common question seems borderline simple. However, it could pose some complications. Regardless of how confident or sure you feel you can answer it, you might fall short of answering it the ideal way.

Many people think they won't be asked this question. This question is, however, quite regularly asked in interviews.

In this article, you will learn how to answer the interview question why should we hire you. You will get some essential tips and tricks with examples to prepare the right answer to this question. Let's begin.

Here's what this article will cover:

  1. Why Do Employers Ask, “Why Should We Hire You?”
  2. How To Answer “Why Should We Hire You?”
  3. To Answer, “Why Should We Hire You?” You Should
  4. Points To Include While Answering
  5. Common Mistakes To Avoid While Answering

Why Do Employers Ask, “Why Should We Hire You?”

It might seem like this question doesn’t hold any value or significance. After all, it is one of the most overused questions in an interview. However, it’s their ace in a hole that helps them weed out undeserving candidates from the deserving ones. So, how to answer the question, why should we hire you?

There’s no straight answer to this question because it’s a trick question. This question aims to evaluate the candidate’s qualifications, preparations, and overall personality. If you’ve prepared in any manner, you understand that this question will inevitably be posed to you. That’s what they are waiting for: To see how you will react.

How To Answer “Why Should We Hire You?”

There are three different segments that you have to cover. You have to cover what you should do to prepare for the answer, the points to cover and avoid mistakes. As mentioned above, there isn’t a single right answer to the question. It’s to gauge your capabilities. So, here’s everything you need to know:

To Answer, “Why Should We Hire You?” You Should

These are all highly essential points you should practice if you want to break the chain of the ever present and undefeated question:

  • Study The Job Posting

Learn everything about the position you’re applying for. Start by understanding its role in the company and the duties it has. Then you can find out whether it requires any specific skill that you might have.

For example: “It seems like you need someone with better communication to understand your concept and draw it. I am good at rapid sketching and also forming new concepts. It wouldn’t take me too much time to provide various samples according to the idea.”  

It’s simple. You are highlighting some additional skills that could help them improve their workflow or expertise. It doesn’t necessarily have to be related to the job, but finding a branched skill is often best.

  • Research The Company

This point isn’t just important for this particular question. It should be an indispensable requirement. Always research the company, its background, and recent activities. Most of the companies have websites and social media. You can learn more about them there.

For example:  “I noticed that your social media handles have been quite active. It’s interesting to see the graphics. I believe I have some ideas that could enhance their appeal for better reach.”

It shows that you’ve done your due diligence regarding the company and learned about it before coming here. You can even use it as a power play to put some pressure on them. They will certainly be impressed.

  • Tie Your Background To The Job Posting

One of the best things you can do is always tie the position’s expertise to your background somehow. It’s not a professional background or your qualification. Try to go into the personal background, family history, or something. You can tie your background to anything, even if your background is different.

For example: “Well, graphic designing requires you to be good at marketing. You need to sell your designs, and I happen to come from a family of marketing experts. I can put myself in the shoes of the audience and bring you better concepts.”  

It’s completely unrelated to a graphic designer’s background. Still, the way with words makes it sound like it could be a valuable asset. That’s what you need to do with your background, find its strengths, and associate it with the job. It’s one of the best ways to learn how to answer why do you think this position is a good fit for you.

  • Quantify Your Accomplishments

Sometimes it’s better to boast a little, and while your resume might have the accomplishments you’re proud of, people often overlook them. This is where you can use any accomplishment to pull a one-up, even if it was short-termed and a one-time wonder.

For example: “I remember when our team leader wasn’t available, and our project was in chaos. My manager asked me to lead, and that’s when I learned that I have some management skills. I was able to lead the team efficiently. Perhaps if you consider hiring me, these could be valuable for you.”

This might’ve been a one-time thing, but it certainly shows that you might have other skills that could be useful. They may not need it immediately, but we all tend to think about ‘what if,’ and that’s where this card plays beautifully.

  • Go Above And Beyond

Boast if you have to, flaunt if you need to, highlight the accomplishments or showcase your background. Whatever you plan on doing, get into it, and even make it sound like a big deal. For you, it might be nothing but a little quality or achievement, but if you use the right words, you can magnify its impact. The examples mentioned above are all something that works as a short answer.

However, don’t spend too much time on the question. There’s no need for you to linger or beat around the bush. Keep it short and straightforward.

  • Brainstorm: “Why Should We Hire You?”

Maybe you didn’t expect it at all, and now you have to brainstorm the idea about how to respond to why we should hire you.Here’s a highly beneficial tip: Branch something out of your conversation and interview so far.

You can make a judgment call and point out something you think the company requires from your interview and propose it. A rebuttal through proposing a question back is viable as well.

For example: “From our conversation, it seems like you need someone who’s not only good in graphic designing, but also marketing. Can you elaborate on that a little?”

It shows that you’re not there to listen and answer. You were evaluating the company, too. You have a presence of mind, and you pay attention to things. It shows that you are truly interested, and this makes you stand out from other candidates.

  • Structure Your Sales Pitch

How do you answer why should I hire you? The question is the same as ‘why should we buy this item?’ or ‘why should we consider your services?’ Hence, it requires a marketing and sales approach. You have to create a need for them and then provide a solution to that need. Alternatively, you can prove to them that you add value to their company. Each example above has helped point out a certain need or requirement. Play with that. Even if you think they don’t have a need. Try pitching. There’s no loss.

For example: “Apart from my graphic expertise, I happen to be a part-time writer. Perhaps my way with words could help you get better and enticing content. I wouldn’t have to rely upon a writing team, at least.”

It created a need and provide value. ‘Writing.’ They might not have a writer, or even if they did, it shows that the writer wouldn’t necessarily have to work with you. Hence, you’re providing value.

  • Practice

Finally, they will pay attention to the way you used it. Your speed, posture, and body language, everything matters. It would be best if you remained calm and poised. For this, you have to practice, let it be known that you did your research and prepared. Even if you’re not expecting the question, it is one of the best practices to secure your position.

Points To Include While Answering

There’s a different approach that you can take. You don’t have to look like you’re rushing the answer or trying to prove a point. Take your time and cover these points to make the answer longer if you have to. Just make sure not to rush, or they will think that you’re telling them a mouthful. These points are also great if you want to learn how to answer why do you think this position is a good fit for you.

  • Industry Experience

Make sure to highlight your experience in the industry. The industry should be related to the job position, not irrelevant. Your resume covers your work history so far. You have to graze slightly as a highlight while giving out the answer.

  • Experience In Performing Certain Tasks Or Duties

During your research regarding the job profile, you will learn about various duties. Try to pinpoint the ones you’ve done in the past that are related to the job profile. Use them in your answers. For example, if you’re applying for a managing post and did a manager’s job even once, it’s a good highlight.

  • Technical Skills

This never goes out of style. How much practice do you have regarding the skills required for the job? It is related to the job experience but more on a practical approach. You can let them know that you have certain technical skills.

  • Soft Skills

Some skills branch from the job, as mentioned before. They are not imminently required but might be something that could be valuable. You can highlight these soft skills to turn the odds in your favor. For instance, telling them about your background that is not related to the field but may help with the skillset required.

  • Key Accomplishments

As mentioned in the exampled above, it is vital to always tell about your key accomplishments. These are not some short term or one-time wonder. The key accomplishments are certain tasks you’ve done proficiently or commitment you have delivered, among others. It could’ve been a promotion or recognition. For example, even if you were promoted earlier or had an increment, that’s a great accomplishment.

  • Awards/Accolades

Certifications, awards, or recognition, if you have anything like these, make sure to use them in your answer. It will reinforce your credibility for the company and appear more reliable and well-versed in the field.

  • Education/Training

Once again, you’re not there to repeat what’s in your documents and resume. However, you can highlight some skills or knowledge you learned while pursuing the relevant education or training. For example, while you were training to be a graphic designer, you also learned sound editing. It could show them you have more skills. If you’ve had any former training, that’s a big plus.

Common Mistakes To Avoid While Answering

As you learn about all the essential points to cover about how to answer interview questions why should we hire you,avoid these mistakes at any cost:

  • Memorizing Your Answer

You need to be prepared and practice the answer. However, there’s no need for you to look like you’ve memorized the answer. Once they ask the question, take your time. If needed, put your observations and what you learned about the company to test. Memorizing the answer never works because if you forget even a single line, you may stutter, and that won’t look good.

  • Coming Across As Arrogant Or Overly Confident

Be cool, be poised but be humble. Don’t be too cocky or arrogant. Use the right words; don’t be absolute with your answers. That’s the best way to avoid sounding too confident or arrogant. Instead of ‘I can help you.’ You need to approach with ‘I might be of some help.’ Type of approach. Being modest and humble will get you everywhere.

  • Speaking For Too Long

As mentioned above, you can’t give too long of an answer. It might sound impossible with points to remember. However, keep those points one or two sentences long at best. That would enable you to cover every aspect without making it long. You have to answer within the first 10 to 20 seconds at best.

  • Speaking Too Fast

As the point was imposed, you have to remain calm and let the interviewer process the words and information you’re giving them. Take your time to answer, and you don’t need to follow the 10-20 seconds rule. Make sure to take breaks, think, and then answer. Pose the answer correctly.

Sample “Why Should We Hire You?” Answers

Here is a quick format that could work in almost every field and job profession:

“I’ve been in the industry for [years] and possess apt skills in [technical skill]. To further excel, I’ve managed to accumulate [soft skills]. These enabled me to [Any achievement], and I’ve received [award/recognitions]. It’s all possible due to my [education/training]. Therefore, I believe I could be the right choice.”

Answer Sample 1: Programmer / Developer

“You can probably gauge most of the qualifications and expertise. However, I have a knack for consistently working until my programs showcase tangible results. I like to secure it so that future problems can be eliminated. I believe that if we invest time right now to do the job right, you can save a lot of time in the future, and that’s the key strength that makes me a good developer/programmer.”

Answer Sample 2: Designer / Editor

“To learn how to create something, first you have to learn how it works or looks like. That’s what I do. I don’t rely strictly upon my creativity and imagination; I accumulate the right sources and inspirations. Through proper research, I come up with unique concepts that have helped me so far in my endeavors. Perhaps it could be useful to you, as well.”

Answer Sample 3: Marketing / Sales

“I believe that you have to sell everything to everyone in this world to survive. Right now, I would have to attempt to sell the right answer to your question. However, a proper sales pitch requires strategy and patience to conduct research. That’s what I excel in, and it helps me stand out from others.”

Answer Sample 4: Engineer / Technician

“Apart from my experience in the field, I have a knack for keeping my equipment up to date or in the best operational condition. With me, you will not only get a person right for the job but someone who values your equipment and machines. I’ve been a builder since childhood, and it shows in my skills. Hence, I chose this profession.”

Answer Sample 5: Manager / Other Senior Positions

“If I give you a personal life example, then I handle all the finances, bills, and functions of my households optimally. I come from a background where you need to work together in order to thrive. However, I realize that sometimes you have to be firm with the actions, as well. I believe this gives you a clear insight into what makes me right for the job. What would you say?”

Answer Sample 6: Security / Administration

“According to what I could gather, these positions require proper focus and alertness. Often, you need to be ready to take any action and follow commands, if necessary. I don’t have many distractions, and I like to commit to my profession diligently. Perhaps that could work for the promptness this job requires.”

Answer Sample 7: Cashier / Clerk / Associates

“I strongly believe that this position is a frontline in any enterprise. Therefore, it needs to reflect the company’s work culture with proper workflow. As someone who understands how valuable these associates are, I believe I can help by improving not only myself but others in the staff.”

Answer Sample 8: Customer Executive

“In any problem-solving task, patience is an indispensable virtue that anyone requires. Perhaps my ability to stay calm and conduct thorough research before providing a solution is something that could benefit the role of a customer executive.”

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