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Facebook Front-End Engineer Interview Process and Tips

Last updated by Abhinav Rawat on Apr 01, 2024 at 01:18 PM | Reading time: 11 minutes

Facebook is one of the most sought-after companies to work for across the world. In addition to lucrative compensations, this FAANG company offers several benefits, like 4 months of paternal leaves, on-site health, dental centers, etc. One of the most in-demand jobs at this company is that of a front-end engineer. 

However, the Facebook front-end engineer interview process is pretty challenging. The interview questions are specific, difficult, and cover diverse topics. That being said, a bit of hard work and streamlined preparation can certainly make a difference.

If you are preparing for a tech interview, check out our interview questions page and salary negotiation ebook to get interview-ready! Also, make sure to read Facebook Interview Guide and How to Get Software Engineering Jobs at Facebook for specific insights and guidance on Facebook technical interviews.

Having trained over 6,000 software engineers, we know what it takes to crack the toughest tech interviews. Since 2014, Interview Kickstart alums have been landing lucrative offers from FAANG and Tier-1 tech companies, with an average salary hike of 49%. The highest ever offer received by an IK alum is a whopping $933,000!

At IK, you get the unique opportunity to learn from expert instructors who are hiring managers and tech leads at Google, Facebook, Apple, and other top Silicon Valley tech companies.

Want to nail your next tech interview? Sign up for our FREE Webinar.

Here’s what this comprehensive guide covers:

  • What Are the Responsibilities of a Front-End Engineer at Facebook?
  • Understanding Facebook’s Front-End Engineer Hiring Criteria
  • Facebook Front-End Engineer Interview Process 
  • Interview Questions for Facebook Front-End Engineers
  • 5 Tips to Prepare for Your Facebook Front-End Engineer Interview
  • FAQs on Facebook and the Front-End Engineering Role

What Are the Responsibilities of a Front-End Engineer at Facebook?

As a Facebook front-end engineer, you will have to fulfill these responsibilities:

  • Execute the features and user interfaces of Facebook products.
  • Plan reusable and efficient front-end systems that can drive complex web applications.
  • Collaborate with product managers, software engineers, and product designers to deliver quality products.
  • Identify and solve scalability and performance issues.

Understanding Facebook’s Front-End Engineer Hiring Criteria

Facebook receives nearly 250,000 applications every year. With so many applications, narrowing the pool down to the right candidates is not an easy task. Facebook attracts such a talent pool because of its transparency and core values. So, if you are wondering how to crack Facebook front-end engineer interviews, you need to have a clear insight of the following five core values:

  1. Be Bold: You will not be able to build an innovative project by staying on a tried and tested path. Facebook constantly communicates to its employees that they cannot drive innovation without making a few mistakes.
  2. Focus on Impact: Facebook actively looks for applicants who can identify substantial problems and find out ways to solve them.
  3. Move Fast: Moving fast will help you develop more. Facebook is strict about hiring builders and not people who lack behind.
  4. Build Social Value: Facebook does not want to hire people who just look forward to collecting the paycheck. The company is highly committed to its humanitarian values.
  5. Be Open: This FAANG company intends on hiring applicants who can share knowledge with their co-workers to develop innovative ideas.

Qualifications Required to Crack a Facebook Front-End Engineer Interview

In addition to adhering to these core values, you also need to meet the minimum qualification criteria to apply for the role of a front-end engineer at Facebook. Take a look.

  • JavaScript experience. This should include concepts like asynchronous closures, programming, ES6, etc.
  • HTML/CSS experience. This includes topics like specificity, layout, accessibility, and cross-browser compatibility.
  • Optimizing front-end performance and experience with browser APIs.

Facebook Front-End Engineer Interview Process

The Facebook hiring process begins with an online application. The recruiter may then reach out to you for further interviews. Discussed below are the various stages of Facebook front-end engineer interviews.

Facebook Front-End Engineer Interview Stages

The interview primarily consists of two stages — an initial technical screen and an on-site interview.

Stage 1: Initial Technical Screen

Here’s what you can expect:

  • Introduction: The interviewer will first give an introduction and explain their position at Facebook.
  • Career Aspirations: The interviewer will then ask questions about your career aspirations.
  • Coding: You will spend the next 30-35 minutes on coding. The coding stage will be conducted with an online collaborative editor shared between the interviewer and you. If you gave the initial interview in person, the committee would provide you with a whiteboard for this purpose. Interviewers will try to understand your approach to solving problems.
  • Ask Anything: It covers the last 5 minutes at this stage. You can ask some questions and get a clearer perspective of the workspace.
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Stage 2: On-Site Interview

The Facebook front-end engineer on-site interview comprises 3 parts, as discussed below.

1. The Coding Interview

The coding interview is comparatively tougher than the initial interview. This interview lasts for about 45 minutes. Here is what you can expect from a typical Facebook front-end engineer technical interview:

  • Introduction: The first few minutes will be spent on your introduction and answering some basic questions about yourself.
  • Coding: In the next 30 minutes, you’ll be asked one or more coding questions.
  • Ask Anything: At last, you will be given some time to ask anything to the interviewer.

2. The Design Interview

The design interviews typically last for 45 minutes. There are no coding questions involved in this stage. The basic purpose of this interview is to assess if you can solve non-trivial engineering questions. The types of design interviews are as follows:

  • Systems design interview
  • Product design interview

Recommended Reading: System Design Interview Preparation Tips

3. The Behavioral Interview

Facebook’s behavioral interview is part coding and part behavioral. The behavioral part consists of questions about you, your experience, motivation, etc. The purpose of conducting this interview is to assess whether you will be able to cope with the workplace.

On the other hand, the coding part is a shorter version of the coding interviews mentioned before.

Facebook Front-End Engineer Interview Timeline

The Facebook front-end engineer interview takes around 2 months on the whole. However, this timeline often depends upon the interviewer and the demography of the job.

What Happens After the Facebook Front-End Engineer Interview?

The recruiter plays the role of a facilitator throughout the interview process. They are responsible for taking the entire process ahead. Here’s an overview of Facebook’s hiring decision:

  • After the Technical Screening: The hiring manager will have 24 hours to submit their reviews and ratings to the internal system.
  • After the On-site Interview: The interviewer will decide whether to hire you. Also, the recruiter then compiles your packet. If they consider hiring you, your case will be presented at the next phase of the hiring decision.
  • Candidate Review Meeting: The recruiter will analyze your packet and discuss any possible concerns. Your interviewers are usually asked to join this candidate review meeting only if there are strong disagreements with the grade. Finally, a “hire” or “no hire” recommendation will be made.
  • The Hiring Committee: The hiring committee consists of seniors from the company. During this process, the hiring committee follows the recommendations of the candidate review meeting.

Interview Questions for Facebook Front-End Engineers

We have compiled these questions from multiple reliable resources to provide you with an idea of what to expect at your Facebook front-end engineer interview:

Coding Questions:

  1. Explain the concept of ES6 Promises to a 5-year-old.
  2. Write a function in JavaScript that takes an array as input, such that the input comprises ints and more arrays and return the flattened array. [1, [2, [ [3, 4], 5], 6]] => [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]

Design and Architecture Questions:

  1. How would you implement a photos album?
  2. Design a general-purpose typeahead component.

Behavioral Questions:

  1. Tell me about a difficult problem that you had to solve.
  2. Tell me about a time you had to resolve a conflict in your team.
  3. Why Facebook?

For more Facebook interview questions, check out:

5 Tips to Prepare for Your Facebook Front-End Engineer Interview

Here are a few tips that will help you prepare for your next Facebook front-end engineer interview:

  • Practice Answering Coding Questions: Try to practice as many coding questions as possible. Practice these questions using a bug-free solution without a compiler.
  • Practice Under Pressure for Time Management: Since you will have limited time to answer questions during the interview, it is better to practice such questions under pressure. This will prepare you for the interview and help you complete the questions on time.
  • Go Through Data Algorithms, Complexity, and Structures: You should be able to discuss your Big O complexities for your approach. Also, make sure to brush up on data structures like hash tables, lists, etc.
  • Familiarize Yourself With Facebook’s 5 Core Values: As mentioned earlier, keep the 5 core values of Facebook in mind while appearing for a front-end engineer interview. This is important because the company focuses on hiring employees who abide by these values.
  • Make It a Point to Share Your Reasoning: Engineering is all about trade-offs – be prepared to discuss them. Make sure to discuss your solutions with the interviewer.

Crack Facebook’s Front-End Engineer Interview!

If you are looking for additional guidance for your tech interview prep, turn to Interview Kickstart. Our Front-End Engineering Interview Masterclass is designed for front-end engineers like you to help you take your prep to the next level.

Here’s what you’ll get:

  • A comprehensive curriculum
  • Mock interviews with FAANG recruiters and tech leads
  • Plenty of homework assistance, 1x1 help, and technical coaching
  • Multiple feedback loops
  • Resume and LinkedIn building, personal branding, and live workshops
  • Salary negotiation

So, are you ready to ace your next Facebook interview? Join our FREE Webinar to know more.

FAQs on Facebook and the Front-End Engineering Role

1. How hard is it to get a job at Facebook?

Honestly, it is pretty difficult. This is because the company wants to hire the best possible talent pool. Hence, the interview process is conducted in a highly stringent manner. However, if you are thoroughly prepared, nothing can stop you. 

2. What is the work culture at Facebook?

Facebook is consistently rated as one of the best companies to work for. The company has a rating of 4.4 out of 5 on Glassdoor. Also, there are several additional benefits of working at this FAANG company.

2. How much does a Facebook front-end engineer make?

The average salary of a Facebook front-end engineer is $148,640 annually, but it varies as per experience, roles, and responsibilities.

Interview Process

Abhinav Rawat

Product Manager @ Interview Kickstart | Ex-upGrad | BITS Pilani. Working with hiring managers from top companies like Meta, Apple, Google, Amazon etc to build structured interview process BootCamps across domains

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