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How to Introduce Yourself in an Email - with Examples

Last updated by Abhinav Rawat on Apr 01, 2024 at 01:09 PM | Reading time: 12 minutes

There are numerous situations that require you to know how to introduce yourself in an email. These could include looking for a new job, seeking information, or making a connection. Since you are sending an email to a stranger, it is essential to be clear, concise, and professional.

Most people are reluctant to open, let alone read an email from someone they do not know. This is precisely why the subject line for an introduction email has to be extremely clear and engaging.

Here's what this article will cover:

  1. What is a self-introduction email?
  2. Things to keep in mind while introducing yourself in an email
  3. How to Write an Introduction Email
  4. Tips for writing introduction emails
  5. Self-introduction email – samples

What is a self-introduction email?

A self-introduction email refers to a specific type of email written usually as a request. This email could be seeking information, advice, or trying to sell a product or service.

A self-introduction email is usually written to someone you've never met. It contains information about who you are.  The email has to be captivating and interesting, since the person receiving it would have no idea who you are.  You can refer to a self-introduction email sample later in the article to find an engaging introductory email for yourself.

Things to keep in mind while introducing yourself in an email

If you wish to introduce yourself in an email, you have to keep in mind the following things:

  • Find common acquaintances: Including the name of a mutual contact in your email can help grasp the attention of the person you are writing the email to. Find out if you have a mutual contact who would be willing to introduce you or allow you to mention them in your email to establish credibility.
  • Have a compelling subject: The subject line for the introduction email is going to decide whether the recipient will even bother opening your email. This is why you need to make it informative. Include your purpose in the subject line and keep it professional and short. For example-

If you are enquiring about a job position, the subject line of the email can be "<name of="" the="" position=""> Inquiry. " </name>

  • Address your email to an individual: If possible, address your email to a single person rather than sending it to a generic email address of the company- the chances of getting a reply increase in this case.
  • Use the right greetings: The greeting that you use in your email has to be personalized. Take time to research the type of company or person that would be receiving the mail. If it is a formal industry, stick to Dear Mr./Ms, followed by the recipient's name. You can use a Hello, followed by the person's name, if it is an informal industry.
  • Be humble: An extremely important thing to remember is to be polite. It is better to make a suggestion rather than a demand. Try using statements such as "Would you be so kind as to give me feedback on my resume if time allows?"  
  • Be clear about why you're writing: It's never a good idea to beat around the bush when writing an introductory email. Be clear about who you are and the purpose of writing the mail.  
  • Write about the other person: Your email has a better chance of getting noticed when you mention something you admire about the recipient. Beginning the email with a compliment is a good way of ensuring that you have the reader's attention.
  • Explain your reason for reaching out: Include details about how you got the email address of the recipient and write about why you are sending the email.
  • Add a call to action: Your email should be short and specific. It should be concluded with a polite request urging the recipient to take action. For example, you can end your email by saying-

"I have attached my resume for your perusal and hope that you will consider me for the position."

  • Thank the recipient- Do not forget to offer thanks to the recipient for taking time out of their schedule. Add a closing such a "sincerely" followed by your name and contact number.
  • Proofread: Properly review your email before sending it out to avoid any grammatical or syntactical error. This is important to form a good first impression.

How to Write an Introduction Email

You could require you to write an introduction email to a new team or a new client.

  • Begin with your introduction- Your introduction should provide an insight into your personality. Provide a brief introduction of yourself followed by your credentials. Make this introduction clear and concise.
  • Use the right salutations- Customize the greeting of the introduction email as per the industry you are working in. Use a formal greeting if you belong to a conservative industry. Follow this with the first name of the recipient as it is the accepted norm.
  • Explain your purpose- You also need to clearly explain the reason for reaching out to them. If the purpose of the email is to bag a networking meeting, you can say, "I am considering a position at your company and would love to buy you coffee so I can learn more about it."
  • Offer something of value- The rule of reciprocity works well here as well. You can do this either by complimenting them in your email or by providing anything of value, such as a review, recommendation, or any tool that might be useful to them.
  • Offer thanks- Before you sign off, do not forget to thank the recipient with a simple "thanks," "thank you," or "thank you so much for your time," followed by your signature.
  • Use a simple font- the font of the email has to be simple and easy to read.
  • Pick a professional closing- Depending on the level of formality required in the industry, choose an appropriate closing such as "Kind regard," "Best," or "Sincerely." A professional introduction email should be concluded with "sincerely."
  • Include a signature- The signature should have your name and other important contact information to make it easy to get in touch with you.
  • Proofread- This includes everything from a spell check to reviewing the tone of the email. Double-check everything before you hit the send button.
  • Send a test message- Before you send the final email, test it by sending it to yourself. This will help you find out how the recipient will see the email.
  • Bcc: Yourself- This step will make it easy for you to follow up on the email since you will receive a copy of this email in your inbox as well.
  • Follow up- There is a chance that you might not get a reply to this introductory email. In that case, you can send a follow-up email. This can include actionable advice, an invitation to an upcoming event, any relevant industry article/news, etc.

Tips for writing introduction emails

  • Add links to your professional profile or work portfolio in your professional introduction email.
  • Keep the email concise.
  • The salutation needs to be warm and personal. A generic mail is considered to be spam by most people, which is why you should address an individual in your email.
  • The subject line for the introduction email should not be misleading or unclear.
  • The tone of the email should be direct, professional, but friendly at the same time.
  • Compliments can go a long way in making an excellent first impression.
  • End the email by wishing the recipient well.
  • Avoid the mistake of only talking about yourself throughout the email.
  • Keep the email brief and concise. A lengthy email is more likely to get ignored.
  • Find a shared interest, acquaintance, or any other thing that you might have in common.

Self-introduction email - samples

You can refer to an introduction email example to help you find the best template for sending out.

a) Introduction email to a new client

Subject: Welcome to R Corp.

Dear Linda,

Thank you for signing up with our company. At R Corp, we pride ourselves on our impeccable customer service, work ethic, and quality. We have many different products and services for you to try. You can check them out here: <link>

Feel free to reach out to me in case of any queries.

Thank you

Patrick Reed


b) Sample letter introducing yourself

Subject: Introduction from Sarah Smith

Dear Mr. Brown,

My name is Sarah Smith, and I am writing to introduce myself as the ABC company's new marketing manager. Having taken over the position recently, I am excited to meet everyone and discuss how we can work together towards continued success in the future. Should you have any questions, I'd be happy to answer them. Please, don't hesitate to get in touch.

Thank you.


Sarah Smith


c) Job application email

Subject: Technical Project Manager Application

Dear Mr. Lewis,

My name is Emilia John, and I am a huge admirer of the work that West Technologies is doing. I am reaching as I saw your email address listed as the contact person for an open Technical Project Manager position online. I have attached my resume to this email, and I hope you will consider me for this role.

Thank you for your consideration and time.


Emilia John



d) Open position inquiry

Subject: Frontend engineer position inquiry

Dear John,

My name is Kelly, frontend engineer for XYZ technologies. I found your email address as the contact person for the open Frontend engineering position online. I am reaching out to learn more about the position. Please let me know how can I apply for the position. Thanks and regards,

Kelly Smith


e) Information request

Subject: Market Research Interview

Dear Mr.  Williams,

I recently read about your success as a data analyst. My name is Ryan Richards. I am a graduate student reaching out to you because I hope to interview you to learn about your job and its relation to market research. I am happy to meet at a time and place that is convenient for you.

Thank you


Kevin Cohen


f) Introduction with a referral example

Subject: Referral from Lucas Miller

Dear Mr. Graham,

I am a friend of Lucas Miller, who has told me a lot about your successful marketing campaigns and I was really impressed with it. As I have just started out my career in marketing, I would love to learn more about your approach.

Would you have time to meet for coffee?

Thank you.

Best regards,

Simon Davis


g) Introducing someone else

Subject: Introduction: Luke: Amy

Dear Luke,

I hope this email finds you well. I wish to introduce my new colleague Amy Blake. She has recently joined us and will be taking over product management.  I have CC'd Amy in this email, so please feel free to connect.

Thank you.


Alex Morgan


h) Introducing your company

Subject: Welcome to ABC company, Katie.

Dear Katie,

I wish to extend a wholehearted welcome to you on behalf of ABC company. We have exciting things going on, and we are delighted to have you as part of our family. Feel free to contact if you have any questions.


Jim Hudson


Writing an introductory email might seem challenging, but once you master how to introduce yourself in an email, it opens a lot of doors with exciting opportunities for you. Putting time and effort into writing a self-introductory email is bound to get you a favorable reply. You can use an introduction email example to create the best introductory email for yourself get access to several new opportunities.

We hope this guide helped you understand the ideal ways to introduce yourself in an email.

If you want to get started with your technical interview prep, sign up for our free webinar today.


Abhinav Rawat

Product Manager @ Interview Kickstart | Ex-upGrad | BITS Pilani. Working with hiring managers from top companies like Meta, Apple, Google, Amazon etc to build structured interview process BootCamps across domains

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