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Difference Between Merge Sort and Quicksort

Last updated by Dipen Dadhaniya on Sep 25, 2024 at 11:01 PM | Reading time: 11 minutes

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Difference Between Merge Sort and Quicksort
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Are you getting ready for your next technical interview? As a software developer, you know how important it is to have a crystal clear understanding of sorting algorithms. They’re a frequent feature in coding interviews! Let’s brush up on your sorting basics.

In this article, we will learn the difference between the two most-used sorting algorithms — merge sort and quicksort:

  • Definition of Merge Sort
  • Steps to Sort an Array Using Merge Sort
  • Definition of Quicksort
  • Steps to Sort an Array Using Quicksort
  • Key Differences Between Merge Sort and Quicksort
  • Cheat Sheet: Merge Sort vs. Quicksort
  • Merge Sort vs. Quicksort: FAQs

Definition of Merge Sort

Merge sort is a comparison-based sorting algorithm that employs the divide-and-conquer strategy. In the divide-and-conquer approach, the problem is divided into multiple subproblems, solved individually, and finally, the result of the subproblems are combined to form the final solution.

In merge sort, we divide the array into two smaller subarrays of equal size or with a size difference of one, depending on the parity of the array’s length. Each subarray is further divided into two smaller subarrays again and again recursively until we get subarrays of size one. We then sort the subarrays and merge them to produce the sorted array.

Steps to Sort an Array Using the Merge Sort Algorithm

The basic logic flows as follows:

  1. If the array length is one, since it is trivially sorted, the array is returned.
  2. If the array length is larger than one, we split the array in half.
  3. Now, we recursively call merge sort on each of those halves.
  4. On the return of these recursive calls, we combine the two already sorted half arrays to form a new sorted array.
  5. As the recursive calls return from the stack, the eventual product is a fully sorted array.

Let’s take an example to see how it works:

We now merge each sorted list together with its neighbors — maintaining sorted order.

Check out the “Merge Sort Algorithm” article for a detailed explanation with pseudocode and code.

Definition of Quicksort

Quicksort is a comparison-based sorting algorithm. Like merge sort, this is also based on the divide-and-conquer strategy. The algorithm has two basic operations —  swapping items in place and partitioning a section of the array.

Quicksort sorts an array by choosing a pivot element and then partitioning the rest of the elements around the pivot. All the elements less than the pivot are moved to the left side of the pivot (called left partition), and the elements greater than or equal to the pivot are moved to the right of the pivot (called right partition).

The sorting is continued on left and right partitions separately and recursively by choosing pivot points and breaking down the partitions into single-element subarrays before combining them to form one sorted list.

The choice of the pivot plays a significant role in how efficiently the quicksort works in general. There are many ways to choose the pivot:

  • Selecting the leftmost element
  • Selecting the rightmost element
  • Select a random element
  • Select the middle index
  • Select the median of the first, middle, and last element

Steps to Sort an Array Using the Quicksort Algorithm

  1. We first choose a pivot in the list (the rightmost element in our implementation).
  2. We then partition the array around the pivot element.
  3. We move all elements smaller than the pivot to the left of the pivot and move all elements greater than the pivot to the pivot’s right, using the Lamuto or Hoare partition Scheme. For a detailed explanation of this, check out our quicksort article.
  4. After the above step, the pivot element is in its correct position.
  5. Now, we apply quicksort recursively on the left partition and right partition separately.
  6. We stop the recursion when the base case is reached. The base case is an array of size zero or one.

Let’s take an example to see one round of quicksort:

Given array = {40, 21, 8, 17, 51, 34}

Sorted array = {8, 17, 21, 34, 40, 51}

Have a look at the article “Quicksort Algorithm” for a detailed explanation of the algorithm along with pseudocode and code.

Key Differences Between Quicksort and Merge Sort


Although both merge sort and quicksort work on the same divide-and-conquer principle, they handle the partition and sorting very differently. 

Merge sort partitions a list into two sublists of equal sizes (different in size by 1, when the size of the list is odd) and merges the sorted sublists optimally to form a sorted list. In contrast, quicksort doesn’t necessarily partition the list into sublists of equal size. The partition sizes may be of any size, depending on how we choose the pivot.

We can also observe that merge sort performs all the sorting during the process of merging while quicksort performs most of the sorting in the process of dividing.

Sorting Method 

  • Merge sort is an external sorting method in which the data that is to be sorted can be stored outside the memory and is loaded in small chunks into the memory for sorting.
  • Quicksort is an internal sorting method, where the data that is to be sorted needs to be stored in the main memory throughout the sorting process.


  • Merge sort is very efficient for sorting linked lists since linked lists cannot be randomly accessed, and in merge sort, we don’t require random access, while in quicksort, we need to randomly access elements.
  • Quicksort is very efficient for sorting small datasets. It is also the preferred sorting algorithm when allocating additional memory is costly since it is an in-place sorting algorithm while merge sort has a space complexity of O(n).

Worst-Case Complexity

  • Merge sort performs the same number of comparison and assignment operations for an array of a particular size. Therefore, its worst-case time complexity is the same as best-case and average-case time complexity, that is, O(n log n).
  • In quicksort, as we’ve already discussed, the choice of the pivot plays an important role. Let’s suppose we always choose the rightmost element of a list to be the pivot and the input array is reverse-sorted. The partitions created will be highly unbalanced (of sizes 0 and (n - 1) for a list of size n); that is, the sizes of the partitions differ a lot. This results in the worst-case time complexity of O(n2).

What They Work Well On

  • Merge sort operates well on any type of dataset, whether it is large or small.
  • Quicksort generally is more efficient for small datasets or on those datasets where the elements are more-or-less evenly distributed over the range.


  • Merge sort generally performs fewer comparisons than quicksort both in the worst-case and on average. If performing a comparison is costly, merge sort will have the upper hand in terms of speed.
  • Quicksort is generally believed to be faster in common real-life settings. This is mainly due to its lower memory consumption which usually affects time performance as well.

Space Requirement

  • Merge sort requires the creation of two subarrays in addition to the original array. This is necessary for the recursive calls to work correctly. Consequently, the algorithm must create n elements in memory. Thus, the space complexity is O(n). Merge-sort can be made in place, but all such algorithms have a higher time complexity than O(n log n).
  • Quicksort is an in-place sorting algorithm. Its memory complexity is O(1).


  • Merge sort is a stable sorting algorithm, i.e., it maintains the relative order of two equal elements.
  • Quicksort is an unstable sorting algorithm, i.e., it might change the relative order of two equal elements.


  • The characteristics of the list don’t affect the speed of merge sort. If we assume the time cost of comparison and assignment to be constant, merge sort always takes the same time for a particular size of an array. Thus, it is consistent and efficient on any kind of dataset.
  • The efficiency of quicksort largely depends on how we choose the pivot. If the partitions created are very unbalanced, quicksort becomes very slow and inefficient. However, in general, quicksort is very efficient for small datasets.

Cheat Sheet: Merge Sort vs. Quicksort

Here’s a sheet for a quick overview of the differences between merge sort and quicksort for interview prep:

Merge Sort vs. Quicksort: FAQs

Question 1: Which is a better sorting algorithm — merge sort or quicksort?

Answer: There’s no definite answer to this question. It really depends on the kind of data we want to sort and what kind of sorting we expect. Both the algorithms have their advantages and disadvantages.

Let’s just go through some scenarios for better understanding:

  • If we want the relative order of equal elements after sorting the data to be preserved, merge sort would be the preferred choice since merge sort is a stable sorting algorithm while quicksort isn’t. Although quicksort can be modified to be stable, it is hard to implement and reduces the algorithm’s efficiency.
  • If the cost of allocating new memory is very high, we should always prefer quicksort since it is an in-place sorting algorithm while merge sort requires additional memory. Although merge sort can be modified to work in-place, its efficiency would be reduced.
  • If the dataset to be sorted is too big to fit in the memory all at once, using quicksort wouldn’t be possible since it is an internal sorting algorithm and requires random access to the whole dataset during the process of sorting. Merge sort, being an external sorting algorithm, would serve the purpose in this case.

Question 2: Why is merge sort preferred over quicksort for sorting linked lists?

Answer: Quicksort highly depends on randomly accessing the data elements and swap elements in the dataset. Since the memory allocation of linked lists is not necessarily continuous, we can not randomly access elements of a linked list efficiently. This also makes swapping very expensive in linked lists. Merge sort is faster in this situation because it reads the data sequentially. Data insertion in any part of the linked list is also very efficient if we are given the reference to the previous node so that the merge operation can be implemented in-place. Thus, merge sort becomes an ideal sorting algorithm for linked lists.

Are You Ready to Nail Your Next Coding Interview?

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Article contributed by Shivam Gupta

Last updated on: 
October 10, 2024

Dipen Dadhaniya

Engineering Manager at Interview Kickstart

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