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The Impact of Generative AI on Big Data: A Transformation in Data Science and Engineering

Last updated by Vartika Rai on May 24, 2024 at 04:56 PM | Reading time: 7 minutes

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How To Nail Your Next Tech Interview

The Impact of Generative AI on Big Data: A Transformation in Data Science and Engineering
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Empowering technological fields with Artificial Intelligence, the combination of numerous techniques has brought about the fourth industrial revolution. Aimed to enhance the current functionalities, the innovative usage of generative AI has been common for AI-driven data insights. 

Numerous startups and businesses have curated unique solutions using generative AI, all directed to the exponential growth of individuals, humanity, and businesses. Let us explore the different faces of its contribution to the transformation of data science and engineering. 

Here’s what we’ll cover: 

  • Generative AI to Big Data Rescue 
  • Application of Generative AI in Big Data Domains
  • Benefits of Generative AI in Big Data
  • Challenges of Generative AI in Big Data
  • Generative AI at FAANG through Interview Kickstart
  • Frequently Asked Questions  on Generative AI and Big Data

Generative AI to Big Data Rescue 

Generative AI plays a critical role in maintaining the fast pace of data volume handling. Here is how it contributes:

Obtaining the data

Often, cases witness limited real-life-based data; however, there are numerous hypothetical scenarios. For instance, rare medical diagnoses and conditions. The task of converting them into images might involve inaccuracies when done by humans. Leveraging AI for these scenarios is useful. Techniques like Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs), Variational Autoencoders (VAEs), and others help expand the datasets to be used for analytical purposes. 

Creating synthetic data

The real-world data also holds multiple privacy concerns. Simple replication of the data will violate those. Therefore, there is a requirement for technology that extracts crucial information without violating the privacy of individuals or organizations. Generative AI fills the gap by replicating the statistical characteristics of actual data without compromising sensitive information. The action contributes to better training of models by providing quality data. 

Augmenting datasets

Generative AI achieves it through the generation of additional instances resembling existing data, easing the scalability of operations and contributing to building robust models. 

Enhancing data diversity

Big data often lacks diversity, which imparts a negative effect on the performance and fairness of machine learning models. Generative AI fixes the problem through the generation of data points representing the different aspects of underlying data distribution. The result is the enhancement of data diversity. 

Visual Generation

Generation of images, flowcharts, charts, and graphs is all possible through simple text inputs. Holding the capability to identify hidden patterns, it serves as a source of comprehension for complex information. The potential holds the ability to be incorporated into all the existing fields to ease the research and development processes along with other business actions. 

Contribution of Generative AI to Big Data

Application of Generative AI in Big Data Domains

Big data drives the growth and operations in almost all the existing domains. Generative AI is capable of practical applications in all those through different methods suiting each field. Let us explore these practical applications: 

Finance: Fraud detection and algorithmic trading are the prime uses. They occur through dataset augmentation and simulation of distinct market scenarios, respectively. It helps identify and prevent fraud during financial transactions in a timely manner and develop and test different trading strategies. 

Healthcare: Medical imaging benefits the generation of synthetic images, which further contributes to image-based diagnostics and analysis. The research sector in medicine benefits through aid in drug discovery to simulate molecular structures that serve as potential drug candidates. 

Retail: The capability of generative AI helps by creating synthetic data to augment sales datasets and facilitate demand forecasting and inventory management. It also enhances and personalizes the shopping experience and recommendations. 

Manufacturing: The extreme need for manufacturing is to identify defects in manufacturing processing and improve quality control. Besides performing the stated, the generative AI enhances datasets to improve the accuracy of predictions. 

Marketing: Generative AI contributes to the marketing sector with customer segmentation through the diversification of customer datasets. It also creates synthetic advertising content for marketing through ads, social media and other means. It also optimizes the marketing strategies for better engagement. 

Telecommunications: The improvement of the network is a dire need. Optimizing through simulating the different network scenarios is a promising approach to enhance performance and efficiency. 

Transportation: Simulating the traffic to analyze the traffic patterns assists in transportation-based planning. It is of prime importance in autonomous vehicle training for improved navigation and driver assistance, especially in self-driving vehicles. 

Energy: The predictive maintenance in the sector benefits through generative AI. it improves the accuracy of equipment failure predictions. Additionally, it is of use in understanding the probable need, thus contributing to energy consumption forecasting. 

Applications of Generative AI in Big Data

Benefits of Generative AI in Big Data

The key benefits of generative AI to big data are: 

  • Increased dataset size and model generalization
  • Privacy preservation with secure model training
  • Effortless addressing of data scarcity 
  • Enhanced diversity and balanced representation 
  • Optimized training for specific tasks and reduced annotation burden 
  • Visual content generation with style transfer and enhancement  

Challenges of Generative AI and Big Data

Despite numerous benefits and applications. There are still limits to room for improvement here. The different challenges to be kept in mind are: 

  • Computational resources: There is a need for substantial processing power and memory that poses challenges in terms of infrastructure cost and scalability. The training time also poses a limitation on data processing with AI. 
  • Quality: There is also the need for precautionary measures as generative AI will suffer from mode collapse. 
  • Interpretability: The complex deep learning models interpretability, which causes difficulty in trust and acceptance. It also poses debugging challenges. 
  • Scalability: Large-scale data handling requires efficient and accurate scaling options to handle large data volumes. Distributed computing further adds to the complexity of implementation. 

Reach Out For Generative AI at FAANG through Interview Kickstart

Generative AI has taken industries by storm. It requires expert-based handling for effective results and to actually gain intended growth. Simply gaining skills ain’t the only thing the aspirants need to do. The requirement is effective presentation skills. 

Enhance your skills while excelling in the technical aspect of your upcoming data science interview. Helping you through all this in a single place, Interview Kickstart provides a comprehensive course designed by FAANG recruiters. Having trained 17,000+ candidates, we know the secret recipe to landing jobs at tier-1 companies. Register Now!

Frequently Asked Questions on Generative AI and Big Data

Q1. What are the real-life examples of generative AI?

Ans. OpenAI’s GPT models, DeepDream by Google, and Google’s Magenta project are among the real-life examples of generative AI. 

Q2. What programming language is used for generative AI technologies? 

Ans. Python, Julia and R are the most common examples of programming languages suited for generative AI. 

Q3. What are the two main types of generative AI models?

Ans. The two main types of AI models are autoencoders and Generative Adversarial Networks or GANs. 

Q4. What type of data is generative AI most suitable for?

Ans. Generative AI works well with different types of data, such as images, text, music, video, audio and others. 

Q5. Can Big Data and AI replace each other?

Ans. AI requires data sets for training and learning patterns. Big Data provides a platform to manage huge amounts of data. 

Q6. What is the opposite of generative AI?

Ans. The opposite of generative AI is discriminative AI. It is more concerned with data classification into predefined categories. 

Q7. Which industries are most impacted by generative AI?

Ans. Industries like entertainment, healthcare, design, marketing and others are impacted by generative AI.

Last updated on: 
May 24, 2024

Vartika Rai

Product Manager at Interview Kickstart | Ex-Microsoft | IIIT Hyderabad | ML/Data Science Enthusiast. Working with industry experts to help working professionals successfully prepare and ace interviews at FAANG+ and top tech companies

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The Impact of Generative AI on Big Data: A Transformation in Data Science and Engineering

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