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Top Python Interview Questions for Machine Learning Engineers

by Interview Kickstart Team in Interview Questions
October 10, 2024

Top Python Interview Questions for Machine Learning Engineers

Last updated by Rishabh Dev Choudhary on Aug 30, 2024 at 09:15 PM | Reading time:

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Python is one of the widely used programming languages for machine learning engineers, equipped with libraries that facilitate pre-processing, cleansing, and data transformation Consequently, learning top Python interview questions for machine learning engineers becomes crucial for ML Engineers as the machine learning domain is growing rapidly.

In interviews for ML engineer positions, Python-related questions are commonly asked. Since most ML engineers have to use this programming language daily, interviewers want to check and assess the candidate’s information on the most widely used programming language. 

To pursue a career in the ML engineering field, reviewing and understanding Python interview questions and answers will help you perform better during the interview.

In this article, we discuss the top 15 Python interview questions for machine learning engineers and their answers to help you boost your preparations. 

1. Elaborate on the Pre-Processing Techniques in Python that you are most familiar with

In Python pre-processing techniques are used to prepare the data. There are several techniques that you can use to prepare the data. Some of them are as follows:

  • Normalization: Imagine you have several sticks of different lengths, and you want to fit them all in a box of same size. Normalization is the process of cutting or extending the sticks so they fit perfectly in the box. Similarly, in Python the numbers in a dataset are adjusted so they fit into a similar scale and therefore can be easily compared. 
  • Dummy variables: Let’s understand this with an example where you have a survey with questions that can be answered with ‘yes’ or ‘no’ questions. For every ‘yes’ you get a sticker and for every ‘no’ you don’t get anything. You can quickly check and see how many ‘yes’ and ‘no’ you have got. Dummy variables also work like that, but you just turn the ‘yes’ and ‘no’ into 1s and 0s so that a computer can understand them.
  • Check for outliers: As the name suggests, it is a technique where you check the properties and characteristics of the values. The outliers are those values which are much higher or lower than the remaining values.

2. Explain the Brute Force Algorithms with an Example

The key objective of brute force algorithms is to try and find all possible solutions. For instance, when trying to find the code to a 3-digit code, you will have to test all the possible combinations, from 000-999, in brute force. 

Linear search is a commonly used brute force technique that crawls through an array to determine and check for a match. However, sometimes, using these algorithms can be inefficient and it can become difficult to enhance the performance of the algorithm within the framework. 

4. How do you Handle Imbalanced Dataset?

An imbalanced dataset is set to have skewed class proportions in a classification problem. Some of its commonly used methods are:

  • Collecting more and more data
  • Resampling the data to correct for oversampling or any other imbalances
  • Generating the samples by using techniques such as the Systematic Minority Oversampling Technique (SMOTE)
  • Testing and analyzing the results of different algorithms that help resample the designs, such as bagging or boosting

5. What is a Python Decorator and How it is used in Machine Learning?

In answering this top Python interview question for machine learning engineers, you can say that a Python decorator is a design pattern. It helps extend or modify the behavior of functions without having to alter the source code. With it, ML engineers can add more functionalities to a function.

The decorators can be used for purposes like measuring the implementation time of a function, logging, or handling exceptions. 

The following code can be used: 

def decorator_function(original_function):

    def wrapper_function(*args, **kwargs):

        # Additional functionality

        return original_function(*args, **kwargs)

    return wrapper_function

6. What are the Main Differences Between Lists and Tuples in Python?

Tuples and Lists are types of data collection in Python, but they are very different from one another. 

While the Lists can be modified, meaning its elements can be changed, added, or removed after their creation. On the other hand, elements of Tuples are immutable, and once the elements are assigned, they cannot be modified. Therefore, Tuples is used for such data that should not be changed, like model parameters in machine learning. 

7. What is the Purpose and Use of Python Generators?

The main purpose of Generator in Python is to generate sequences of values without the need for storing the entire sequence in memory. As a result, it can easily handle large amounts of datasets in machine learning. 

The Python generators use the “yield” statements to produce values one at a time, thereby saving considerable memory and boosting the performance. 

The following can be used for Python generators:

def generator_function():

    for i in range(5):

        yield i

# Usage

for item in generator_function():


8. Explain How Gradient Descent Works

Python interview questions for Machine Learning Engineers: Gradient Descent

You can answer this Python interview question for ML engineers by stating that it is an optimization algorithm. 

Its focus is on minimizing the cost of functions in machine learning. To work, it adjusts the model’s parameters in the function’s negative direction of costs until a minimum number is reached.

Here, the learning rate plays a key role in determining the size of the steps of each iteration in the negative gradient’s direction. 

9. What are Some of the Important Parameters for Tree-Based  Learners?

Some of the most important and common parameters for tree-based parameters are as follows:

  • max_depth: You can think of it as the maximum number of questions that you can ask in a game of ‘10 Questions’. The deeper you go into it, the more specific and to the point your questions will be. It can help you make accurate guesses and thus increase the chances of getting to the right answer.
  • learning_rate: Imagine you are walking towards something. Now, a larger learning rate will mean that you walk fast towards the object, but the chances of you missing it completely also increase, and vice-versa. 
  • n_estimators: The higher it is, the more chances are there of you completing the task. But, having too many might also complicate the process and deviate you from achieving the target.
  • subsample: It can be best described as that portion of your data that you use to make the tree.

10. How do you Handle Missing Data in Python?

In answering this Python interview question for machine learning engineers, the two commonly used strategies for handling missing data are - omission and imputation. The omission is like solving a puzzle with missing pieces. It means that you decide to carry on with the task without the missing data. 

On the other hand, in imputation, you try to make the best of the situation and use the pieces that you have to complete the puzzle. Here you use the existing pieces and make the missing ones. In data, imputation fills the missing values with guesses based on the available data, for instance using the average values. 

Several modules in Scikit-learn can be used for imputation such as Simplelmputer. It fills the missing values with zero, median, mean, or mode. On the other hand, the Iterativelmputer models the missing values as a function of other features. 

11. What is Global Interpreter Lock (GIL) and How does it Affect Multithreading in Python?

The GIL is described as a mutex that allows only one thread to be executed in the Python interpreter at a single time. It works similarly even on multi-core systems. It affects the multi-threading in Python because there is only one thread that can execute the byte code at any given point in time. 

Further, a pure Python thread might not be able to fully utilize the presence of multiple CPU cores. These are important, as they help optimize machine learning algorithms, which can benefit greatly from parallel processing. 

12. Explain What is Regression and How it is Implemented in Python

Python interview questions for Machine Learning Engineers: Implementing Regression in Python 

Answer this Python machine learning interview question by stating that regression is a supervised machine learning technique that helps find correlations between variables. It also helps in making predictions for the dependent variable. 

The regression algorithms are mostly used for making predictions, building forecasts, time series models, or for identifying causation. Linear regression, logistic regression, etc. are some of the common regression algorithms and can be easily implemented with Scikit-learn in Python. 

13. What is the Purpose of the ‘With’ Statement in Python and How is it Related to File Handling?

The with statement in Python simplifies file handling by automatically managing the resources within a code block. It ensures that the file is closed, even if there is an exception. This is a crucial Python interview question for machine learning engineers because it helps in dealing with datasets in files and ensures the proper handling and release of the resources.

The following code can be used for the with statement in Python. 

with open (‘file.txt’, ‘r’) as file:

     data =

14. Explain the Purpose of the ‘Pickle’ Module in Python and its Relevance to Machine Learning

Answer this Python interview question for machine learning engineers by stating that the pickle module is mainly used in serializing and deserializing Python objects. This way, they can be easily saved to a file or sent over a network. It is often used to save and load machine learning models, thereby ensuring persistence and reusability in them.

The following code can be used to use the pickle module. 

import pickle

# Save an object to a file

with open('model.pkl', 'wb') as file:

    pickle.dump(model, file)

# Load the object

with open('model.pkl', 'wb') as file:

    loaded_model = pickle.load(file)

15. What is a Virtual Environment in Python and How is it Useful for Machine Learning Projects?

In answering this Python interview question for machine learning engineers, you can say that a virtual environment is an isolated Python environment. It helps in installing specific packages and dependencies for a project without affecting Python installation throughout the system. 

It plays a crucial role in machine learning projects where different projects might require different library or framework versions to prevent any conflicts and to ensure reproducibility. 

The following code can be used:

# Load the object

python -m myenv

# Activate the virtual environment

Source myenv/bin/activate

Master Python Interview Question for Machine Learning Engineers Interview with Interview Kickstart

Machine Learning is a highly technical and competitive domain. With the world becoming digital and an increase in the use of different software and technologies, the role of ML Engineers is important. Interview Kickstart is a pioneer when it comes to helping professionals prepare for interviews and get their dream job. 

IK’s Machine Learning Interview Masterclass is designed and taught by FAANG+ engineers and is aimed at helping you prepare well for the interviews. 

Our instructors are highly experienced ML professionals who will guide you through every step of the course. They will also help you crack even the toughest ML interviews at FAANG+ companies

In this course, you will learn everything from DSA to system design to ML concepts about supervised and unsupervised learning, deep learning, and more. Our expert instructors will also help you create ATS-clearing resumes, optimize your LinkedIn profile, and build a personal brand. 

Read the different success stories and experiences of our past learners to understand how we have helped them get their dream jobs. 

FAQs: Python Interview Questions for Machine Learning Engineers

What are Some Common Python Libraries Used in Machine Learning?

Some common Python libraries used in Machine Learning include:

  • NumPy: For numerical computations
  • Pandas: For data manipulation and analysis
  • Matplotlib and Seaborn: For data visualization
  • Scikit-learn: For implementing machine learning algorithms
  • TensorFlow and Keras: For deep learning models
  • SciPy: For advanced computations

How can you Optimize a Python Program for Performance?

To optimize a Python program for performance, you can:

  • Use efficient data structures (e.g., NumPy arrays instead of Python lists)
  • Minimize the use of loops with vectorized operations in libraries like NumPy
  • Use built-in functions and libraries as they are usually optimized
  • Profile your code to identify bottlenecks using tools like cProfile
  • Use just-in-time (JIT) compilers like Numba to speed up numerical computations

What are Some Techniques to Debug a Python Script?

Techniques to debug a Python script include:

  • Using print statements to track variable values and program flow
  • Using an interactive debugger like pdb
  • Employing IDEs with built-in debugging tools such as PyCharm or Visual Studio Code
  • Writing unit tests to validate parts of the code
  • Using logging instead of print statements for a more controlled output.=

What is Cross-Validation and How is it Used in Machine Learning?

Cross-validation is a technique for evaluating machine learning models by partitioning the data into subsets, training the model on some subsets (training set), and evaluating it on the remaining subsets (validation set). Common methods include k-fold cross-validation, where the data is split into k subsets, and each subset is used as a validation set once while the others form the training set. This helps in assessing the model's performance and robustness.

Can you Explain Feature Engineering and its Importance in Machine Learning?

Feature engineering is the process of using domain knowledge to create new features from raw data that can improve the performance of machine learning models. It is crucial because:

  • It helps in extracting useful information from the data.
  • It can enhance the predictive power of the model.
  • Proper feature engineering can lead to simpler models that generalize better to new data.
  • It includes techniques like creating interaction terms, binning, scaling, and encoding categorical variables.

Related reads:

Rishabh Dev Choudhary
The fast well prepared banner

Python is one of the widely used programming languages for machine learning engineers, equipped with libraries that facilitate pre-processing, cleansing, and data transformation Consequently, learning top Python interview questions for machine learning engineers becomes crucial for ML Engineers as the machine learning domain is growing rapidly.

In interviews for ML engineer positions, Python-related questions are commonly asked. Since most ML engineers have to use this programming language daily, interviewers want to check and assess the candidate’s information on the most widely used programming language. 

To pursue a career in the ML engineering field, reviewing and understanding Python interview questions and answers will help you perform better during the interview.

In this article, we discuss the top 15 Python interview questions for machine learning engineers and their answers to help you boost your preparations. 

1. Elaborate on the Pre-Processing Techniques in Python that you are most familiar with

In Python pre-processing techniques are used to prepare the data. There are several techniques that you can use to prepare the data. Some of them are as follows:

  • Normalization: Imagine you have several sticks of different lengths, and you want to fit them all in a box of same size. Normalization is the process of cutting or extending the sticks so they fit perfectly in the box. Similarly, in Python the numbers in a dataset are adjusted so they fit into a similar scale and therefore can be easily compared. 
  • Dummy variables: Let’s understand this with an example where you have a survey with questions that can be answered with ‘yes’ or ‘no’ questions. For every ‘yes’ you get a sticker and for every ‘no’ you don’t get anything. You can quickly check and see how many ‘yes’ and ‘no’ you have got. Dummy variables also work like that, but you just turn the ‘yes’ and ‘no’ into 1s and 0s so that a computer can understand them.
  • Check for outliers: As the name suggests, it is a technique where you check the properties and characteristics of the values. The outliers are those values which are much higher or lower than the remaining values.

2. Explain the Brute Force Algorithms with an Example

The key objective of brute force algorithms is to try and find all possible solutions. For instance, when trying to find the code to a 3-digit code, you will have to test all the possible combinations, from 000-999, in brute force. 

Linear search is a commonly used brute force technique that crawls through an array to determine and check for a match. However, sometimes, using these algorithms can be inefficient and it can become difficult to enhance the performance of the algorithm within the framework. 

4. How do you Handle Imbalanced Dataset?

An imbalanced dataset is set to have skewed class proportions in a classification problem. Some of its commonly used methods are:

  • Collecting more and more data
  • Resampling the data to correct for oversampling or any other imbalances
  • Generating the samples by using techniques such as the Systematic Minority Oversampling Technique (SMOTE)
  • Testing and analyzing the results of different algorithms that help resample the designs, such as bagging or boosting

5. What is a Python Decorator and How it is used in Machine Learning?

In answering this top Python interview question for machine learning engineers, you can say that a Python decorator is a design pattern. It helps extend or modify the behavior of functions without having to alter the source code. With it, ML engineers can add more functionalities to a function.

The decorators can be used for purposes like measuring the implementation time of a function, logging, or handling exceptions. 

The following code can be used: 

def decorator_function(original_function):

    def wrapper_function(*args, **kwargs):

        # Additional functionality

        return original_function(*args, **kwargs)

    return wrapper_function

6. What are the Main Differences Between Lists and Tuples in Python?

Tuples and Lists are types of data collection in Python, but they are very different from one another. 

While the Lists can be modified, meaning its elements can be changed, added, or removed after their creation. On the other hand, elements of Tuples are immutable, and once the elements are assigned, they cannot be modified. Therefore, Tuples is used for such data that should not be changed, like model parameters in machine learning. 

7. What is the Purpose and Use of Python Generators?

The main purpose of Generator in Python is to generate sequences of values without the need for storing the entire sequence in memory. As a result, it can easily handle large amounts of datasets in machine learning. 

The Python generators use the “yield” statements to produce values one at a time, thereby saving considerable memory and boosting the performance. 

The following can be used for Python generators:

def generator_function():

    for i in range(5):

        yield i

# Usage

for item in generator_function():


8. Explain How Gradient Descent Works

Python interview questions for Machine Learning Engineers: Gradient Descent

You can answer this Python interview question for ML engineers by stating that it is an optimization algorithm. 

Its focus is on minimizing the cost of functions in machine learning. To work, it adjusts the model’s parameters in the function’s negative direction of costs until a minimum number is reached.

Here, the learning rate plays a key role in determining the size of the steps of each iteration in the negative gradient’s direction. 

9. What are Some of the Important Parameters for Tree-Based  Learners?

Some of the most important and common parameters for tree-based parameters are as follows:

  • max_depth: You can think of it as the maximum number of questions that you can ask in a game of ‘10 Questions’. The deeper you go into it, the more specific and to the point your questions will be. It can help you make accurate guesses and thus increase the chances of getting to the right answer.
  • learning_rate: Imagine you are walking towards something. Now, a larger learning rate will mean that you walk fast towards the object, but the chances of you missing it completely also increase, and vice-versa. 
  • n_estimators: The higher it is, the more chances are there of you completing the task. But, having too many might also complicate the process and deviate you from achieving the target.
  • subsample: It can be best described as that portion of your data that you use to make the tree.

10. How do you Handle Missing Data in Python?

In answering this Python interview question for machine learning engineers, the two commonly used strategies for handling missing data are - omission and imputation. The omission is like solving a puzzle with missing pieces. It means that you decide to carry on with the task without the missing data. 

On the other hand, in imputation, you try to make the best of the situation and use the pieces that you have to complete the puzzle. Here you use the existing pieces and make the missing ones. In data, imputation fills the missing values with guesses based on the available data, for instance using the average values. 

Several modules in Scikit-learn can be used for imputation such as Simplelmputer. It fills the missing values with zero, median, mean, or mode. On the other hand, the Iterativelmputer models the missing values as a function of other features. 

11. What is Global Interpreter Lock (GIL) and How does it Affect Multithreading in Python?

The GIL is described as a mutex that allows only one thread to be executed in the Python interpreter at a single time. It works similarly even on multi-core systems. It affects the multi-threading in Python because there is only one thread that can execute the byte code at any given point in time. 

Further, a pure Python thread might not be able to fully utilize the presence of multiple CPU cores. These are important, as they help optimize machine learning algorithms, which can benefit greatly from parallel processing. 

12. Explain What is Regression and How it is Implemented in Python

Python interview questions for Machine Learning Engineers: Implementing Regression in Python 

Answer this Python machine learning interview question by stating that regression is a supervised machine learning technique that helps find correlations between variables. It also helps in making predictions for the dependent variable. 

The regression algorithms are mostly used for making predictions, building forecasts, time series models, or for identifying causation. Linear regression, logistic regression, etc. are some of the common regression algorithms and can be easily implemented with Scikit-learn in Python. 

13. What is the Purpose of the ‘With’ Statement in Python and How is it Related to File Handling?

The with statement in Python simplifies file handling by automatically managing the resources within a code block. It ensures that the file is closed, even if there is an exception. This is a crucial Python interview question for machine learning engineers because it helps in dealing with datasets in files and ensures the proper handling and release of the resources.

The following code can be used for the with statement in Python. 

with open (‘file.txt’, ‘r’) as file:

     data =

14. Explain the Purpose of the ‘Pickle’ Module in Python and its Relevance to Machine Learning

Answer this Python interview question for machine learning engineers by stating that the pickle module is mainly used in serializing and deserializing Python objects. This way, they can be easily saved to a file or sent over a network. It is often used to save and load machine learning models, thereby ensuring persistence and reusability in them.

The following code can be used to use the pickle module. 

import pickle

# Save an object to a file

with open('model.pkl', 'wb') as file:

    pickle.dump(model, file)

# Load the object

with open('model.pkl', 'wb') as file:

    loaded_model = pickle.load(file)

15. What is a Virtual Environment in Python and How is it Useful for Machine Learning Projects?

In answering this Python interview question for machine learning engineers, you can say that a virtual environment is an isolated Python environment. It helps in installing specific packages and dependencies for a project without affecting Python installation throughout the system. 

It plays a crucial role in machine learning projects where different projects might require different library or framework versions to prevent any conflicts and to ensure reproducibility. 

The following code can be used:

# Load the object

python -m myenv

# Activate the virtual environment

Source myenv/bin/activate

Master Python Interview Question for Machine Learning Engineers Interview with Interview Kickstart

Machine Learning is a highly technical and competitive domain. With the world becoming digital and an increase in the use of different software and technologies, the role of ML Engineers is important. Interview Kickstart is a pioneer when it comes to helping professionals prepare for interviews and get their dream job. 

IK’s Machine Learning Interview Masterclass is designed and taught by FAANG+ engineers and is aimed at helping you prepare well for the interviews. 

Our instructors are highly experienced ML professionals who will guide you through every step of the course. They will also help you crack even the toughest ML interviews at FAANG+ companies

In this course, you will learn everything from DSA to system design to ML concepts about supervised and unsupervised learning, deep learning, and more. Our expert instructors will also help you create ATS-clearing resumes, optimize your LinkedIn profile, and build a personal brand. 

Read the different success stories and experiences of our past learners to understand how we have helped them get their dream jobs. 

FAQs: Python Interview Questions for Machine Learning Engineers

What are Some Common Python Libraries Used in Machine Learning?

Some common Python libraries used in Machine Learning include:

  • NumPy: For numerical computations
  • Pandas: For data manipulation and analysis
  • Matplotlib and Seaborn: For data visualization
  • Scikit-learn: For implementing machine learning algorithms
  • TensorFlow and Keras: For deep learning models
  • SciPy: For advanced computations

How can you Optimize a Python Program for Performance?

To optimize a Python program for performance, you can:

  • Use efficient data structures (e.g., NumPy arrays instead of Python lists)
  • Minimize the use of loops with vectorized operations in libraries like NumPy
  • Use built-in functions and libraries as they are usually optimized
  • Profile your code to identify bottlenecks using tools like cProfile
  • Use just-in-time (JIT) compilers like Numba to speed up numerical computations

What are Some Techniques to Debug a Python Script?

Techniques to debug a Python script include:

  • Using print statements to track variable values and program flow
  • Using an interactive debugger like pdb
  • Employing IDEs with built-in debugging tools such as PyCharm or Visual Studio Code
  • Writing unit tests to validate parts of the code
  • Using logging instead of print statements for a more controlled output.=

What is Cross-Validation and How is it Used in Machine Learning?

Cross-validation is a technique for evaluating machine learning models by partitioning the data into subsets, training the model on some subsets (training set), and evaluating it on the remaining subsets (validation set). Common methods include k-fold cross-validation, where the data is split into k subsets, and each subset is used as a validation set once while the others form the training set. This helps in assessing the model's performance and robustness.

Can you Explain Feature Engineering and its Importance in Machine Learning?

Feature engineering is the process of using domain knowledge to create new features from raw data that can improve the performance of machine learning models. It is crucial because:

  • It helps in extracting useful information from the data.
  • It can enhance the predictive power of the model.
  • Proper feature engineering can lead to simpler models that generalize better to new data.
  • It includes techniques like creating interaction terms, binning, scaling, and encoding categorical variables.

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