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How to Write a Short Notice Resignation Letter? - With Samples

Last updated by Dipen Dadhaniya on Jul 02, 2024 at 05:23 PM | Reading time: 18 minutes

A resignation letter is a formal notification to the management in order to give them the opportunity to hire a capable substitute for the position. You may have a number of reasons to be displeased at your organization, but it is not the brightest idea to burn a bridge, which you never know when it can come in handy. Even if it is beyond your control to serve a notice period, professional etiquettes call for a note of departure.

Clarify the status of the work you were involved in and take care of your responsibilities dutifully. Just because you are leaving does not mean you have to make a mess of it. Professional respect goes a long way in character development.

In this article, we will explain what is a short notice resignation letter, scenarios where you need to resign on short notice, and how to write one. We have also provided some samples that will help you understand the content of this letter and the best way to write it.

What is a short resignation letter?

When the opportunity of a lifetime knocks on your door, it is seldom possible to reject just because of the absence of a sufficient notice period. These desperate times call for desperate measures when you need to type a short notice resignation letter, in case you are not serving the standard 2 weeks. This informs the management of your reason and date of departure. It is not the brightest idea to write a dragged explanation. Nobody has time for that.

Personal emergency or untoward work environment, whatever may be your reason, take it as an opportunity to express your gratitude for the growth you attained in the company and the platform it provided to showcase your talents. No matter how instrumental or inconsequential. Every experience counts.

Why do you need to resign with short notice?

Resigning with short notice is mainly attributed to poor work culture, family emergencies, moving to a different place, or getting a fatter paycheck. Common courtesy calls for providing the management with your resignation details, albeit it is not legally mandated. Keeping your boss in the loop when possible also shows a sign of commitment toward the organization.

How to write a short resignation letter?

Use the following tips to write a short notice resignation letter:

  1. Keeping your manager in the loop: It is always a wiser choice to let your manager know about your resignation plans. An amicable and mutual agreement can smoothen any negative traction between you and your employer. And it also serves you the opportunity to get your deserved benefits and due clearances of the company.
  2. Using a professional business letter format: It is preferable if you follow a professional business letter format in your resignation letter. It indicates the effort you put in, even while writing a resignation letter. A diligent employee is an impetus for business growth. Do not stain your image with an unprofessional or uncultured phrase in the letter. Respect is earned, not a privilege.
  3. Maintain a formal tonality: You must not forget to remember that you are writing the letter to the management and not your neighbor. Maintain the tone and language accordingly. Ruining your reputation by using an unsavory tone is not really helpful for you.
  4. Inclusion of salutation: Is it a very assuring read if it starts abruptly about your departure? That is your priority, but giving a brief introduction to pitch the details is appropriate. Remember the small margins by which the better and the best are distinguished? Can you see it now?

In the main body:

This is where you start to give the details of your post and explanations. Let us have a go through with the requisites of this section before you go through a short resignation letter example:

  1. State your position on the day of resignation: Always mention the position you held in the office on your last working day. Straying off-topic is a strict no-no, and the letter from the offset should convey the purpose clearly.
  2. Mention the date: This is another requisite of a resignation letter. Mentioning the date of resignation removes any doubts in regards to when your services will be unavailable. It informs a definitive time till which the company will receive your services and would require filling the vacancy.
  3. Do not make it an essay: If you are an employer with important business matters to handle, would appreciate a dragged out, over-the-top resignation letter which beats around the bush? Will you have the time?

Thus, it is important to make it a concise, cohesive detail about your role in the organization and the reason for such resignation.  

  1. Give a short justification: Although it is optional, a short justification always gives your resignation letter the ability to give closure on the steps it can take to make it a better workplace, wherever necessary. By no means do you need to disclose personal reasons.
  2. Contact details: It is a nice gesture if you provide your contact details in case the new employee needs a hand now and then. Nothing beats a touch of sincerity, even in your goodbye.
  3. Be gracious: Be thankful for the experience and opportunities you have been trusted with its assistance in your growth of professional skills and any other aspect you believe you have gained a considerable grip on. Being humble does not cost a dime.
  4. Make it official: Now is the time for your official signature at the end of the letter. It should be accompanied by your full name below the signature, along with your position. Do not forget to say sincerely or thankfully before signing off.
  5. Keep the door for feedback open: Write your resignation letter tactfully enough so that the door to give feedback on improvement finds a way. Organizations like Deloitte, Netflix, and Ernst & Young are always striving to deliver a better workplace. Helping them on the way is never a bad idea.

Here is a short resignation letter template for your reference:

Your name

Your full address

Your city, State zip code

Your phone number

Your email ID


Manager’s name


Company name

Full address

City, State zip code

Dear Sir/Ma’am,

I would like to inform you that I, (name), working as a (position) in your company, would like to submit my formal resignation, effective (date). I am resigning with such short notice due to (reason). I apologize for the inconvenience of the matter, but I hope you can understand my urgency.

I am thankful for the opportunities the organization has provided. The past (your tenure) has been a tremendous learning curve, and I cannot thank you enough for that.

I will be highly obliged if you consider my request and do the needful. I am willing to give my best during this transition time to lessen the hassle, if any.

I am providing my contact details along with this letter, and you are welcome to call or text me, should you be in a fix.


Your signature

Your full name

Your position

Short resignation letter samples

a) Last minute formal resignation letter sample

Example 1:

Your name

Your full address

Your city, State zip code

Your phone number

Your email


Supervisor’s name


Company name

Full address

City, State zip code

Dear Sir/Mam,

This letter is to notify you that I will no longer be able to fulfil my duties as a (your role) at your company, effective from (date). I have gotten an opportunity at one of my preferred companies, and they need me to start immediately.

I hope you will accept my resignation in lieu of the bright proposition which lies for me in my next organization. I have had a wonderful time at this company, and thankful for the exposure the management has provided in developing my professional coding skills.

Let me know if I can be of any assistance to the replacement employee on the post. I would do my best to speed her up to date with the procedures. I have included my contact information below as well.

Please do the needful.


Your name

Your contact details

You position

Example 2:

Your name

Your full address

Your city, State zip code

Your phone number

Your email


Manager’s name


Company name

Full address

City, State zip code

Dear Sir/Mam,

This is to let you know that I will no longer be able to fulfil the role of a Cloud Solution Engineer in your company from (last date of work). I have been offered a better opportunity in the vicinity of my residence. Unfortunately, I will not be able to serve any notice period as the new organization needs me to start working with them immediately.

I deeply regret this inconvenience, especially when I was able to acquire valuable experience, which will surely help me in the future. The management has put their faith in me, and I got much-required exposure. I will be glad to be of help in the transition period and would be more than happy to help out my successor up-to-date with our work.

I will be highly obliged if you consider my situation and accept my resignation letter. I have also provided my contact details for any further follow-up communication or feedback.


Your name

Your position

b) 24-hour short notice resignation letter sample:

Example 1:

Your name

Your full address

Your city, State zip code

Your phone number

Your email


Employer’s name


Company name

Full address

City, State zip code

Dear Sir/Ma’am

This letter is to inform you that I will no longer be able to hold my position as (your position) in your company effective tomorrow (date). I am sorry I am unable to serve a standard notice period, but situations are such that I have no other option but to leave.

I would be highly obliged if you could clear my dues and send my final paycheck to the mentioned address in the letter. I am available for any help the new recruitment may face initially.

It has been a pleasure working in your organization with a helpful team which taught me a lot in my short stay. Thank you for your support.


Your name

Your position

Example 2:

Your name

Your full address

Your city, State zip code

Your phone number

Your email


Manager’s name


Company name

Full address

City, State zip code

Dear Sir/Ma’am

It is with regret that I am informing you effective from tomorrow (date), I can no longer meet my duties as (your position). The circumstances are beyond my control which has not allowed me to serve the required notice period.

I apologize for putting you and your team in an unfavorable position, but the situation needs my immediate attention. I am available to speed up the transition of the new person holding my office.

I would be obliged if you kindly post my last paycheck to the above address. Thank you for your support and cooperation during my stay and the valuable exposure you helped me acquire.

I hope you will understand my predicament and accept my resignation.


Your name

Your designation

c) Resignation letter effective immediately sample

Example 1:

Your name

Your full address

Your city, State zip code

Your phone number

Your email


Supervisor’s name


Company name

Full address

City, State zip code

Dear Sir/Ma’am

This is to notify you that I would like to resign from my position as (your post) effective immediately from tomorrow. I apologize for the disruption caused by my resignation. However, I have made my partner up-to-date with the developments, and she will be able to help my replacement to catch up.

I have nothing but great memories in your organization, and it would help me in my journey in more ways than a few. Thank you for your continued support of my abilities. I hope you understand my situation and accept my letter of resignation.

If possible, kindly mail me my final paycheck to the above-stated address.


Your name

Your position

Example 2:

Your name

Your full address

Your city, State zip code

Your phone number

Your email


Supervisor’s name


Company name

Full address

City, State zip code

Dear Sir/Ma’am

I wish to humbly inform you that I can no longer be a part of your organization as (your position) effective immediately. There have been issues of gross undermining of my contributions by my immediate supervisor. I have talked to the HR, but no solution could be reached. Ergo, my decision.

I am sorry that I am unable to serve a standard notice period. The circumstances, however, have not been favorable at all for me, and I hope you understand my standpoint and accept my resignation.

I will be available for any help, which might assist the newcomer up-to-date with our operations, on a limited basis. It is my earnest request to clear my dues and send the paycheck to the address mentioned in the letter.


Your name

Your position

d) Resignation letter (without notice)

Example 1:

Your name

Your full address

Your city, State zip code

Your phone number

Your email


Manager’s name


Company name

Full address

City, State zip code

Dear Sir/Ma’am

This letter is to notify you that I will no longer be a part of your organization as (your position) effective immediately (date). I apologize for the suddenness of the resignation, but the circumstances demand my immediate assistance.

I have conveyed the essentials to my project members, and they will be able to help the new inductee to get up-to-date with our current project.

It is my request to understand my situation and accept my resignation. I have had nothing but exceptional help and guidance throughout my stint at your organization.

I would be highly obliged if you could send my final paycheck to the above address. Thank you for your support and trust.


Your name

Your position

Example 2:

Your name

Your full address

Your city, State zip code

Your phone number

Your email


Employer’s name


Company name

Full address

City, State zip code

Dear Sir/Ma’am

This is with deep regret that I am submitting my resignation letter from the position of (your designation) effective immediately. I apologize for not being able to any notice period because of urgent health conditions that need prolonged treatment and recovery.

My team is well equipped to help the new project manager to make him/her aware of the current project. I hope you consider my situation and accept my resignation.

It has been a wonderful couple of years, and I have progressed immensely on the professional skill front and cannot thank you enough for that.

I would be obliged if you kindly post the final paycheck over to my residential address provided herewith.


Your name

Your position


Tips to be polite at the workplace:

  1. Take out time to have small conversations.
  2. Make an effort to remember the small details.
  3. “Thank you” and “please” are magic words.

Resignation Email Writing Tips

Follow the below tips for writing a short notice resignation letter over email:

  • Keep a clear subject line: You do not want your resignation email to go in the clutter box, do you? Make sure you give it a prominent and clear subject line that immediately conveys the message to the authority concerned. If you are wondering what an appropriate subject line would be, you can give, for instance, the resignation e-mail of John Doe, or John Doe Resignation mm/dd/yy or something of the sort.
  • Keep it short & simple: Nobody has the time to read a long e-mail. Time is money. Cramp up as much information as you can in as few words as possible. Do not make it sound like a test of vocabulary skills either. Simplicity is the key to the clear conveyance of a message.
  • Proofread and edit: It cannot be stressed enough – the importance of proofreading your resignation letter. Being a Grammar Nazi can, in fact, be a good thing! Ensuring it is a flawless document is a sign of diligence and respect.

Sample resignation email

Example 1:


Dear Sir/Mam,

This is my formal resignation email from the post of (your position) from XYZ company effective (last date of service). I have to move to Florida for some urgent family emergency, which has put me in such a situation, and I cannot serve the notice period.

I apologize for this sudden inconvenience and regret not being able to continue with this company. I have been learning and enjoying my work and was looking forward to a long haul. Please let me know if I can be of any help in the transition phase. I would be grateful if you consider my circumstances and accept my resignation.


Your name,

Your position

Example 2:

Subject: Resignation email of (your name)

Dear Sir/Mam,

This email is to notify you that I am resigning from the position of (your designation) effective from the 1st of next month. I have received an offer letter with better scope and growth, which I am currently seeking.

I will serve the standard 4-week notice period to help my successor have a smooth transition with the work. These last 6 months have helped me a lot to gain expertise in my professional skills, for which I am immensely thankful.

I hope you understand my situation, and accept my resignation and inform me about the procedures in regards to clearing my dues and other obligations.


Your name

Your position

So, now that you have been through ample short resignation letters and email samples, do not forget the pointers. You can also check out interview prep courses for some more career advice, just in case!

Also, you can attend some superb interview preparation webinars to take your game up a notch!

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‍FAQs: Write Short Notice Resignation Letter

1. Why is it Important to Write a Professional Resignation Letter?

Writing a professional resignation letter helps maintain a positive relationship with your employer, ensuring that you leave on good terms. It also provides a clear record of your departure and can be useful for future references.

2. What Should I Include in My Resignation Letter?

A resignation letter should include your position, the date of your last working day, a brief reason for your resignation, a note of gratitude for the opportunities provided, and your contact information for any follow-up.

3. How can I Maintain Professionalism in a Short Notice Resignation Letter?

To maintain professionalism, be concise and clear about your departure, express gratitude for the opportunities, apologize for any inconvenience caused by the short notice, and offer to assist in the transition process.

4. Can I Resign Without Providing any Notice Period?

Yes, you can resign without providing a notice period if the circumstances demand immediate action, such as health issues or personal emergencies. However, it is courteous to explain the situation in your resignation letter.

5. How Should I Handle my Responsibilities During the Notice Period?

During the notice period, you should continue to perform your duties diligently, complete any pending tasks, and help in the transition process by training your replacement or providing necessary documentation.

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Dipen Dadhaniya

Engineering Manager at Interview Kickstart

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