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How to Write a Follow-up Email After a Job Interview: With Examples and Samples

Last updated by Vartika Rai on Apr 01, 2024 at 01:15 PM | Reading time: 20 minutes

After answering every question with supreme confidence while also maintaining his cool at the same time, Paul was sure that his career graph was on the rise. However, after his telephonic conversation with the interviewer at Samsung, he forgot to follow up by sending a well-drafted email. He didn’t deem it necessary, for he was sure of his capabilities.


He didn't get a call back unfortunately.

You might wonder why Paul didn’t land his dream offer.

While we can't be completely sure, a major reason could be because he didn’t follow up.

When applying for a job, always keep in mind that you aren’t the only deserving being on earth. Thousands of others who are more professionally competent can land the same job without you even realizing where you went wrong. An interviewer has to listen to innumerable answers to the same set of questions every day when conducting interviews; so following through is mandatory.

By sending a follow-up mail that expresses your appreciation for the person-in-charge, it enables them to understand your willingness to work for them. However, before you proceed with writing ‘just any mail’ you could possibly construct, know that your mail will help you establish your impression before your potential big-shot employer.

Know how to write a follow up email after an interview before deciding to send one as your mail will be a reflection of your professionalism. It is necessary that you master the ins and outs of exactly how to frame these emails that appeal to your recipient, and at the same time, stand out from other applicants.

Keep reading if you want to learn more about how to write a follow up email after an interview to increase your chances of landing an offer.

Here's what we'll cover:

- How long should you wait before sending a follow up email?

- Follow up rules after an interview

- Most effective way to follow-up on a job interview

- How to write a follow-up email?

- Interview follow-up email samples category wise

- Bonus tips for follow-up email

- Follow-Up email tools

How long should you wait before sending a follow up email?

Mary, adhering to proper conduct, sent a follow-up email, expressing her appreciation for the interviewer for engaging in a discussion with her. She waited for a reply, hoping to receive a second interview call any day now. However, the call never came, despite her sending a follow-up. Why is that?

A single, half-hearted follow-up isn’t going to cut it. You will need to follow through politely until you receive a reply. This is why email etiquettes are taken pretty seriously during technical interview preps as well as mock interviews.

This brings you to the question, “how long do you think it takes for a person to answer an email?”

The answer is “not long at all.”

As long as the recipients have already noticed your mail, they are bound to reply almost immediately out of human nature. On the other hand, if a person isn’t interested at all, it is likely that he/she won’t be reverting.

After conducting a simple survey, it has been noticed that more than 18% of the time, the recipient will respond to the first email. An anomaly was noticed when more than 27% of the time, recipients would respond to the sixth follow-up!

So, it is pretty evident that one mail often doesn’t do the job. Send your first follow-up within the first two or three days from your interview. Remember, after your first follow-up mail, you must follow through within the next three days. The cycle will continue until your sixth follow-up, by which time, you will probably get an idea of whether the person on the other side is interested in hiring you or not.

Keep reading to know more about how to send a thank you email after an interview.

Perseverance is the key to success, so keep trying!

Follow up rules after an interview

Although freedom is a lovely thing, you will need to consider certain rules and regulations. When sending follow-ups, you need to understand that there are specific dos and don’ts.

If you irritate a tiger, you will most likely end up at the receiving end of its claws. Similarly, if you annoy a hiring manager, you might just disappear from the applicants’ list forever.

So, always try to comprehend the rules of how to send a thank you email after an interview before you follow-through every other day blindly.

● When a timeline is provided

Certain hiring managers will offer applicants a particular timeline before they can expect an answer or feedback on their interview. So, what do you do in this timeframe?

Simple, be patient.

You can even practice how to write thank you note after interview in the meantime. Your patience will reflect your professionalism before your hiring manager, thus picturing a solid impression.

Usually, applicants receive a response almost immediately after the specified timeline is over. In case the interviewers are unable to send a follow-up, it is most likely that they will notify you of the same and provide you with another date.

● When a timeline is not provided

In case the hiring manager doesn't provide you with a deadline, wait for at least 3 to 5 days before sending a follow-up email. Your follow-up should adhere to the standard format for which you will need to know how to write a follow up email after an interview.

Include appreciation for the interviewer for taking the time to discuss matters regarding the job opening with you. Also, inform them that you are eagerly waiting for a response. Even after a week is over, try waiting at least two more days to give your interviewer the time to respond.

● HRs don't have every answer

Please remind yourself as many times as possible, "Your interviewer is a busy person." They do not have all the time in the world to answer all your questions. A simple email informing them that you are waiting for a reply is enough.

Elaborate questions that require thorough answers are unnecessary; so try not to include them in a follow-up mail.

● Continue searching for more job openings

Not getting through this one interview isn't the end of the world. If you don't receive an email even after the sixth follow-up, it’s time to let go of your expectations.

It is how Ryan felt that his interview went great, and the job was his claim until he realized that it was still a far-off dream. If a company actually intends to hire you, you will receive a follow-up within the first two weeks.

If not, move on.

There is plenty of fish in the water.


Things to avoid in your follow-up email

  • “Follow-up”
  • “I was expecting a reply”
  • “Thanks again”
  • “I didn’t get any mail from you”

Most effective ways to follow-up on a job interview

Want to know how to write a follow up email to an interview that can land you the job? You need an effective format. All applicants wish to stand out. They all feel that their email is different from the rest. Of course, it is different from every person's take on an email that will obviously be different. However, the concept is the same; a person trying to appear professional, polite, yet confident.

Instead of bothering yourself with the same dilemma, keep reading to learn exactly how to write a follow up email to an interview that lands you the job with ease.

  • Include your appreciation

A) "Thank you for taking some time out of your busy schedule to have a discussion with me."


B) "I gave an interview yesterday and was waiting for a response."

Which line sounds better?

The obvious answer would be option A.


Showing appreciation is always a better way to respond. Your hiring manager probably has a lot going on his/her plate. So, in such a scenario, a rude follow-up from you isn't welcome. Try being polite instead, and that will go a long way. But you need to be well-served regarding how to write a follow up email after a phone interview.

  • Keep it short but sweet

Rambling on and on about how much you need this job, why you want this job, how lucky you would be if you get this job, isn't what your hiring manager wants to hear. They need to attend to thousands of other follow-up emails. Hence, an entire essay on your needs and accomplishments will most likely be ignored.

So, how to go about this?

Keep it short! If you know how to write a follow up email to a recruiter, you must be aware that your paragraphs cannot consist of more than 2 to a maximum of 3 sentences. Remember that the purpose of this follow-up is to receive a reply from your recipient.

  • Try to be professional

Every email that reaches your interviewer is supposed to be a personification of your experience, knowledge, and professionalism. So, don't ruin it!

Here’s a sample to help you comprehend how to write a follow up email for a job interview.

"Dear (name of interviewer)

Thank you for taking out time last week to sit down for a round of discussion. I await a response regarding your review of whether you would like to consider me for further discussions.


Ryan Mathews"

  • Tell them why this job matters to you

Although the inclusion of this point when talking about how to write a follow up email after an interview may be optional, at times, you can mention your reason to apply for this job opening in your mail as well.

It need not be too elaborate. (Definitely not an entire paragraph!)

One or a maximum of two sentences should be enough to express your interest in this job proposition.

  • Mention your interests and goals

Interests or goals don't mean you need to frame an essay on your hobbies. It means that you inform your prospective company regarding your pre-set goals related to the job position and why you are a perfect fit for the firm.

Inclusion of this point while pondering how to write an interview thank you may not be considered by many applicants. Why don’t you try it then?

It need not be too long; one or two sentences will do.  

  • Provide signature and contact information

Do you know what the most difficult thing in the world is for a hiring manager? It is remembering names. They will tell you how not remembering a name can mess up your mind completely. That is why don't bother them any further and provide your contact information.

One important career advice revolving how to send a thank you email after an interview is signing off your emails with your name and contact details at the end. This also helps in expressing your professional conduct before your hiring manager.

How to write a follow-up email?

Begin by choosing a subject line

The recipients of your follow-up will notice your subject line first before they proceed to read the email at all. That is why your job is trying to come up with a professional subject line that conveys the intent of your message with discretion.


“It was great chatting with you.”

“Thank you for the time.”

Sample email subject lines

Coming up with an interview subject line that expresses your professionalism and intrigues your recipient is mandatory.

  1. Subject Lines After Sending an Application

Example: “Job Application: Project manager” or “Job Application: Application developer.”

  1. Subject Lines Post Meeting with Recruiter

Example: “Thank you for your time” or “Hoping to hear from you soon.”

  1. Email Subject Lines After a Phone Interview

Examples: “Appreciate our discussion” or “Looking forward to hearing from you again.”

  1. After a face-to-face Interview

Example: “Hope to receive a review soon” or “Thank you for scheduling this meeting.”

Respect your interviewer with proper salutations

With professionalism, you must also express that you respect the recipient of your email. This is exactly why the inclusion of proper salutations is necessary. A vague “Sir” or “Madam” is unnecessary.

This interview follow up email sample will give you a better idea of what to write.


“Dear Andrew,

Thank you so much for last week’s discussion regarding the Application Developer position at your esteemed organization. I was intrigued by the goals and challenges that come with this job position and look forward to getting an update on your review.



Include the entire committee that conducted the interview

What is it that you do when you get a birthday greeting from all your friends?

You reply to all of them right?

Similarly, when sending follow-up emails, make sure to include the entire interview panel in your email.

Take a look at the example thank you email after interview provided below.


“Dear members of the board,

I hope you all are doing well. I am sending this email to express my sincere appreciation to the board for your time and consideration. The discussion we had was much appreciated, and I really found the career pointers that you shared intriguing. If possible, I would like to hear from you again sometime soon.


Ryan Mathews”

Highlight your interest

Are you applying for a job just for the sake of it or do you really wish to live up to the expectations?

If it’s the latter, convey the same to your interviewer. Telepathy isn’t a real thing, is it?

So, know exactly how to write a follow up email to a recruiter that conveys your appreciation and interests.


“Good evening Mr. Andrew,

I hope this email finds you in good health. I really appreciated our conversation in the last meeting. Your company’s objectives and endeavors are quite intriguing, and if given the opportunity, I would like to be part of the same and take things up a notch with my contributions. If you can make some time again, I would like to engage in another round of conversation with you.

Thank you,


Mention the changes you can bring

Every person has a set of goals. Your objectives will define how you wish to make a difference in your prospective company.

You need to know how to write a follow up email for a job interview that expresses your zeal to achieve something beyond expectations.


“Through our conversation, I was able to comprehend the challenges that come with this position. As someone who loves setting the bar high, I am confident to bring my unique coding skills the table.”

Let them know what makes you special

Simply stating you are different isn’t enough. Prove what is it that makes you the odd duck (in a good way, of course!).

Try talking about your field of expertise in brief.

You are ready to provide additional details, if required

Possessing an answer to every question isn’t necessary, but knowing how to write thank you note after interview certainly is.


“I really appreciate you taking time out of your busy schedule to engage in this round of discussion. If there is anything else that you would like to know, maybe we can arrange another meeting sometime next week?”

Ask for an update politely

Why are you sending a follow-up email?

To get a call back from your interviewer, right? Research well how to write a follow up email to an interview that will get you a call back.


“I really enjoyed our discussion and was motivated by the pointers from your end. I look forward to hearing from you again, whenever you deem it fine.”  

Don’t bore the recipient

Let prose remain a part of literature and not your email!

Try writing a follow-up that isn’t longer than 2 to a maximum of 3 sentences as your recipient doesn’t have all the time in the world.

Errors are a big NO!

Make sure to scan through your email to check for any error, if any. After all, you are sending the mail to your prospective employer. You cannot be careless, especially when applying at major firms, like Apple and Google.

Proofread to the best of your abilities before sending the follow-up email.


Dear Mr. Mathws

Thank you taking time frok your schefule to arrange this round of discution.Really appreciated the pointers that you provided and hope to hear from you soon. If possible maybe we can arrnge a meeting next week.




Interview follow-up email samples category wise

  • Short interview follow-up sample

“Good morning Mr. Mathews,

Thank you for arranging our meeting last week. I really enjoyed our conversation and look forward to hearing from you again. I am excited about the prospects this job position holds and wish to be a part of your team soon.



  • Long interview follow-up sample

“Dear Mathews,

Thank you again for taking time out of your busy schedule to arrange this meeting. I really appreciated the pointers that you provided. I was especially intrigued by the achievements and endeavors that this company has accomplished. A challenge is what I love, and with an opportunity such as this, I would like to exceed the expectations that the company may have related to this position. I hope to have another round of discussion with you soon and receive your valuable opinion as well.



  • Social media outreach follow-up sample

“Dear Andrew,

Hope this mail finds you in the best of health and spirits. I recently came across your social media post detailing the Java Developer position at your firm. I would like to apply for the same. I have attached my resume and other requisite documents with this mail. I look forward to engaging in a round of discussion with you soon.


Shane Dawson”

  • Phone interview follow-up sample

“Dear Angela,

Thank you for your time last week. I really appreciate how you explained the requirements so clearly, and I am truly fascinated about the amazing possibilities at your firm. I would really love to meet you in person and discuss the opportunities in details.



  • Second interview follow-up sample

“Dear Mr. Mathews,

How are you doing? I appreciate you making time for our discussion. Our meeting allowed me to understand your vision and expectations better. I would like to know your opinion on my suitability for this position.

Thanking you,


  • No response follow-up

“Good morning Dave,

Hope you are doing well. After our last meeting, I was expecting to hear from you. If you can make some time out of your tight schedule and send me an update, I would be truly grateful.



  • Asking for more time follow-up email

“Dear David,

Thank you for providing me with the time to think about the offer at hand. However, if possible, it would be great if you could extend the time frame as this decision is one that will determine my career path. I would be grateful if you kindly acknowledge and approve the extension.



  • Offer acceptance follow-up email

“Dear Dave,

It is an honor to have received this amazing offer to be a part of the machine learning process at XYZ Solutions Ltd. I am truly grateful that the company appreciates my experience and deems me worthy of being a part of the organization. It is a pleasure to let you know that I’m accepting your offer.

Thank you



Bonus tips for a follow-up email

  • Choose the length of your email beforehand and don’t write an essay.
  • Mention what you forgot to say during the interview.
  • Always start with a name and proper salutation.
  • Avoid grammatical errors.

Follow-up email tools

  • Right Inbox
  • Gmelius
  • Boomerang for Google

Reaching the pinnacle success is all about aiming for excellence. Be it a follow-up or an interview, keep in mind that you need to stand out.

If you want to be the diamond in the rough, you need to think differently. You cannot just end your lessons with a few tips on how to write a follow up email after an interview. You need to practice as well.

Join our online webinar to kickstart your technical interview prep.

You can also practice behavioral interview questions to amp up your interview game.

“Push yourself, because no one else is going to do it for you” - Anonymous


Vartika Rai

Product Manager at Interview Kickstart | Ex-Microsoft | IIIT Hyderabad | ML/Data Science Enthusiast. Working with industry experts to help working professionals successfully prepare and ace interviews at FAANG+ and top tech companies

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