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What are Time Management Skills? - With Definitions and Examples

Last updated by Vartika Rai on Apr 01, 2024 at 01:09 PM | Reading time: 13 minutes

Have you ever been envious of individuals that can effortlessly pull off managing their schedule? Well, it comes as no surprise that time management is the key to living a productive and worthwhile life, both personally and professionally. However, most of us struggle to manage time. Learning helpful, effective strategies for time management comes with its own set of boons.

In this article, we discuss the handiest time management tips to excel in life.

Here's what this article will cover:

  1. How Important Time Management Skills Are
  2. What are time management skills?
  3. How to improve time your management skills?
  4. How Time management skills help in job interviews

How Important Time Management Skills Are

Time management is an extremely vital practice of improving your quality of life. It helps you regulate your workday so that you can strike a balance between your personal and work life. Effective time management skills play a critical role in making you much more productive. In simple terms, time management planning can help you get your work done faster.

Here are some noteworthy reasons to manage your time.

Accomplish more with minimal effort

Taking control of your time essentially helps you enhance your concentration levels. Thus, increased concentration levels help you complete your day-to-day tasks swiftly.

Reinforce your ability to make decisions

Time management is an excellent way to improve your ability to make informed and well-versed decisions, personally and professionally. With enough time in your hands, you will have a clear headspace to make important life decisions.

Improve Your Self Discipline

Learning essential time management skills can help you avoid procrastination in the long run. The better your time management ability is, the more self-disciplined you’ll become.

Make use of free time to unwind

One of the most common reasons to boost your time management skills is to give yourself some free time you deserve. Often, your work environment can add to your extreme stress levels. Time management can give you the chance of cutting yourself some slack and relaxing for a good few hours.

What are time management skills?

Time management skills include a vast set of skills that play an imperative role in helping you regulate your schedule.

Let us discover a few of the most prominent time management skills.


Time management is all about staying organized. Organizing your day-to-day tasks can help you complete them faster. Additionally, it can also help you keep track of what you need to do. Organizing your schedule is all about keeping a journal, tracking your calendar, and keeping your compiling your documents. Note that the tidier your work atmosphere, the more you can manage time.


Determining and segregating your tasks into most and least priority is also an excellent approach towards time management. Analyzing which of your responsibilities are of utmost priority means you are keeping a check of your responsibilities. This will ultimately result in you completing your work faster and with minimal stress.


Understanding your core objectives and goals is the key to effortlessly managing your time. Setting your goals allows you to have a clearer headspace for completing your tasks and focusing on what is essential. Whether it’s long-term goals or short-term goals, start slow. Take baby steps.


Building your communication skills allows you to become a pro at time management. Engaging with your peers can help you plan out your core goals. To add on, the more you communicate with your colleagues and workmates, the better you will be able to organize and track the progress of your tasks. Technical interview prep mock classes help you enhance your communication skills during interviews.


It comes as no surprise that planning contributes as a very crucial element for excelling at time management. Planning your day can give you an edge over your work and personal life. It can help you complete tasks much more efficiently and in no time. Moreover, this way, you will be able to stick with deadlines.


A successful time manager knows which part of their work needs utmost attention. Delegation is vital for successfully achieving your professional and personal end goals. Every professional's top career advice is to build the skill of delegation to have a fair chance at reaching their fullest potential and also excelling at their profession.

Stress Management

One of the many skills of effective time management is stress management. Work is bound to trigger your stress level. Taking your mental health into consideration and doing the bare minimum to keep your stress levels in check and help you manage your time with ease. Small things like taking sufficient breaks throughout your day, rewarding yourself with some goodies, spending time with your loved ones, and so on can help you manage your stress.

How to improve time your management skills?

The very act of improving your time management skills can give you the flexibility of living a quality life. Along with increasing your efficiency, you can also improve your mental and physical ability to be more productive.

Given below are a myriad of ways by which you can work on having effective time management skills.

Set short and long-term goals

Human beings need a constant sense of accomplishment to keep themselves motivated. Time management planning allows you to set practical short and long-term goals. You can mark down the time frame needed to achieve these goals and religiously follow your schedule to complete your goals.

Manage your calendar

Just like how you declutter your wardrobe of wasteful items, declutter your calendar of events and activities that don't add much value to your life. Thus, it is perhaps one of the most crucial time management tips to ensure 100% productivity and also preventing your schedule from becoming hectic.

Prioritize your assignments

Knowing how to prioritize your work is significant time management in the workplace ethic that should be possessed by everyone. Get done with tasks that have urgent deadlines or can be easily completed. This will decrease your workload and also keep you motivated.

Delegate tasks

Delegating tasks is an admirable quality in a leader. As a leader, your responsibilities are endless, and the workload is ever increasing. Therefore, you need to utilize the full potential of your employees. Assign them a few of your tasks according to each of their strengths and weaknesses. This is one of the main time management strategies you can use to ensure that you have time to unwind and also time for your employees.

Create a Schedule

Creating a schedule is an essential approach to time management at work and other aspects of your life. With a proper and well-maintained schedule, you can easily conquer the art of time management. Adding small yet relevant breaks throughout your schedule can give you some time to relax and keep your find refreshed throughout your day.

Set up Deadlines

Setting up deadlines is quite handy to stay efficient and finish your tasks on time. Make use of timers and productivity apps to set up a deadline for every task that you have scheduled for the day. Simultaneously, use your effective time management skills to keep track of how successful you are in maintaining the deadlines so that you can work more productively next time.

Have a Time Check

Maintaining a fine line between underworking and overworking is quite crucial to managing your time. Don’t forget to have a check on time so that you avoid overworking yourself. Overworking yourself will only exhaust you later, which in turn will affect your performance. Remember to work smart rather than hard.

Overcome Procrastination

Well, who are we kidding? Every professional has dealt with procrastination. Procrastination can easily come in the way of your everyday tasks. From adding on to your stress to delaying your tasks, procrastination can sometimes get the best of you. Breaking the cycle of procrastination is the very initial step to time management in the workplace.

Deal with Stress Wisely

Taking care of yourself is the most helpful way of managing stress. Stress can affect you due to varied reasons. From maintaining your work deadlines to organizing your schedule, lowering stress also includes taking care of yourself. Eating healthy food, working out regularly, spending time with your loved ones, and maintaining a healthy sleep schedule are few ways to overcome stress.

Avoid Multitasking when it's unnecessary

Juggling between too many tasks simultaneously can affect the quality of your work. Additionally, it can also enhance your anxiety. Give every task a significant time so that you don’t overwhelm yourself with work. Multitasking most often has an adverse effect on you. Doing multiple tasks at a single stretch can not only slow you down but can also leave you daunted.

Start Early  

Several experts suggest starting their morning by finishing the most difficult tasks of the day. The idea behind this is that by completing your difficult tasks first thing in the morning, the rest of the day goes much more relaxed. Practice waking up early and avoid spending your time browsing through your phone. Start early to finish early.

Take Timely Breaks

Feeling emotionally and mentally overwhelmed after working for hours together is bound to happen. Most of us often fail to take a break and give ourselves the time off we truly deserve. Break down your tasks meticulously into your schedule and keep sufficient breaks so that you don’t feel over-pressurized.

Learn To Say no

Do not say yes to something you can’t possibly get yourself to do. Saying no to things you have no mental or physical energy for is okay. Do not, in your righteous mind, commit to something that you aren’t capable of doing at that respective time. This will help you cut yourself some slack.

Use Software Tools for time management

Thanks to the Internet, one can now make use of remarkable software tools to manage their time. You can often analyze your productivity level by determining your capability of accomplishing your goals. Making use of software tools to track how far you have come can unquestionably help you manage your time.

Have a to-do list

A to-do list generally contains all the tasks that you need to complete on that respective day. Create a to-do list every day and scratch out the tasks that you complete. To-do lists are great ways of boosting your motivation and can thus help you achieve your goals in a shorter period.

Focus on One Task at a Time

Multitasking, as previously suggested, can drastically slow down your efficiency. Make sure that you do one task at a time to increase your productivity levels.

Avoid Perfection

Embracing your flaws is a very vital step towards excelling at time management. Putting constant pressure on yourself to do better will only demotivate you. Give yourself the credit you deserve and appreciate yourself for everything you do.

Effective Time Management Tips

Time management involves proper planning of your day as a whole. Making sure that every bit of your day is under control can ease your ability to manage time. Let us discover some time management tips.

Eliminate the Unnecessary

Focusing on tasks that are of paramount importance can help you make the most of your day. Eliminate tasks that aren’t as important as the others.

Plan Your Work

Organizing your schedule, taking equal intervals, setting deadlines, and so on are a few of the ways by which you can plan your work and increase your productivity.

Know when to multitask

Knowing when you should multitask can save you from extreme stress that may follow after overworking yourself. Do not get into the habit of multitasking, as it will only lower your quality of work.

Reduce Interruptions

Avoid any sorts of distractions while you are working. Set a fine line between your professional life and personal life so that you can get maximum work done in a minimal amount of time.

How Time management skills help in job interviews

Time management skills play a pivotal role in shaping your skills required to ace job interviews. They can help you become more organized, boost your confidence, lower your stress, and even make quite a good impression on your interviews. Making use of the above-mentioned time management strategies and skills can strengthen your ability to manage time. Thus, rest assured this will open doors of opportunities for your career.

Bottom Line

Time management is a skill that one can benefit from to excel at work and in life. With proper time management, you can set a healthy life for yourself. In addition to this, you can also give yourself a chance to explore your efficiency. Practicing the above-mentioned effective strategies for time management regularly- can help you create a strong foundation for your work and personal life.


Vartika Rai

Product Manager at Interview Kickstart | Ex-Microsoft | IIIT Hyderabad | ML/Data Science Enthusiast. Working with industry experts to help working professionals successfully prepare and ace interviews at FAANG+ and top tech companies

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