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How to Nail your next Technical Interview

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You may be missing out on a 66.5% salary hike*

Nick Camilleri

Head of Career Skills Development & Coaching
*Based on past data of successful IK students
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FREE course on 'Sorting Algorithms' by Omkar Deshpande (Stanford PhD, Head of Curriculum, IK)

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Rupesh Dabbir

Mountain View

“I bagged 14 offers, including FAANG, after completing Interview Kickstart’s course”

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What makes us the most effective interview prep program in the US?

Highest Compensation Received by our Alum
Experienced Engineers Trained
Instructors from Tier-1 Companies
Flavia Vela
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The classes, workshops, quizzes, practice problems, and mock interviews provided me with the knowledge, tools, and the feedback that I was missing. Interview Kickstart showed me how to prepare for success.

Jaime Lichauco
Database Engineer
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While I was preparing for my interviews, watching all of the foundational videos, classes, practice problems, and test questions really helped me. Overall, this program was really well put together. It is what a lot of people in the industry need to use to maintain and refresh their skills. Thanks to Interview Kickstart, I was able to get an offer at Google!

David Testuggine
Applied Research Scientist
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The course was very intense. During the two months it lasted, I would easily work 2+ hours every day, weekends included, on the homework problems. This course is just practice, practice, practice. And it works! Fast forward a couple of weeks, and I accepted my offer with Facebook.

Michael Huston
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I can't think of a better recipe for tech interview success than combining the Interview Kickstart program with hard work. The program made my prep much more effective and eliminated surprises from the interview process.

Strong Liang
Engineering Manager
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Interview Kickstart kept close touch with me and offered a lot of guidance and encouragement for navigating the interview scene. This was quite helpful. I joined Google after completing the course at Interview Kickstart.

Aliya Mussina
Software Engineer
Offers from

Interview Kickstart's program met all my expectations. They have well-selected problems to practice, good coaches, and practice interview opportunities. I was able to get about 5-6 competing offers, including a couple from FAANG. I am very happy for all the support and confidence IK has given me! I joined Apple after completing the course.

Justine Jones
Full stack developer
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There were so many valuable insights that the lecturers shared which helped me solve problems more efficiently. Having done mock interviews, allowed me to feel comfortable in my interviews and get through the questions promptly, without simple mistakes that I would make due to nervousness.

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3 ways in which Interview Kickstart will help you nail your next tech interview


150+ instructors and hiring managers from FAANG and Tier-1 companies

At Interview Kickstart, we find some of the best instructors from the industry to help you get closer to your dream job at FAANG and Tier-1 tech companies.

The best part is — you can have mock interviews and coaching sessions with an instructor of your choice.

Qiuping X

Senior ML Scientist/Tech
Adrian student


Engineering Manager

17 domain-specific courses, covering the most prominent tech domains

An industry first, we cover each domain in-depth, along with coding, systems design, behavioral interview prep, mock interviews, and lifelong learning.

Back-end Engineering Masterclass

Back-end Engineering Masterclass

Machine Learning Masterclass

+ 14 more


Solve unseen problems using patterns

Patterns are the foundational element of highly successful problem-solving, especially when you’re in an interview setting where you will get a few unseen questions. Patterns are incredibly difficult to develop, and this is why we are the only platform that can teach you this way.

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