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Top Spring Framework Interview Questions and Answers

by Interview Kickstart Team in Interview Questions
August 28, 2024

Top Spring Framework Interview Questions and Answers

Last updated by Abhinav Rawat on May 30, 2024 at 05:57 PM | Reading time: 10 minutes

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Spring Framework is a popular and widely used framework for developing enterprise-level Java applications and programs. Spring Framework is the preferred choice of Java developers and software engineers due to its extensive feature set, ease of use, and flexibility.

Spring Framework interview questions, as well as other Spring concepts such as Spring OOPs, Spring JDBC, Spring MVC, Spring Hibernate, Spring AOP, and so on, are an important part of Spring-based interview. To answer these questions, you must be thorough with Spring Framework fundamentals. In this article, we'll look at some of the most common Spring Framework interview questions and answers.

If you’re a software engineer, coding engineer, software developer, engineering manager, or tech lead preparing for tech interviews, check out our technical interview checklist, interview questions page, and salary negotiation e-book to get interview-ready!

Having trained over 9,000 software engineers, we know what it takes to crack the most challenging tech interviews. Since 2014, Interview Kickstart alums have landed lucrative offers from FAANG and Tier-1 tech companies, with an average salary hike of 49%. The highest-ever offer received by an IK alum is a whopping $933,000!

At IK, you get the unique opportunity to learn from expert instructors who are hiring managers and tech leads at Google, Facebook, Apple, and other top Silicon Valley tech companies.  Our reviews will tell you how we’ve shaped the careers of thousands of professionals aspiring to take their careers to new heights.

Want to nail your next tech interview? Sign up for our FREE Webinar.

Let’s go ahead and look at some common Spring framework interview questions and answers to help you prepare for your upcoming interview. Here’s what we’ll cover in this article:

  • Popular Spring Interview Questions and Answers
  • Sample Spring Framework Interview Questions for Practice
  • FAQs on Spring Interview Questions

Take a look at some more popular Spring Boot Interview Questions for your interview prep here.

Popular Spring Interview Questions and Answers

In this section, we’ll cover some basic and advanced Spring interview questions and answers for freshers and experienced developers. Let’s take a look.

Q1. What are some benefits of using Spring?

This is a very common Spring framework interview question asked at software engineering interviews.

  • Spring allows you to use a wide array of functions and methods.
  • Spring Framework incorporates Plain Old Java Object (POJO) Programming, enabling continuous and uninterrupted testability and integration.
  • Spring incorporates critical features such as Dependency Injection and Inversion of Control.
  • Spring is an open-source network and allows developers to accomplish a wide range of programming tasks.

Q2. What do you understand about the Spring configuration file?

The Spring configuration file is an XML file that holds information about Classes and their configurations. Configuration files need to be appropriately written to avoid errors during runtime.

Q3. What are the main components of the Spring framework?

This is one of the most common Spring framework interview questions asked at java developer and FAANG software engineering interviews. The main components of the Spring framework include:

  • Spring Aspect-Oriented Programming
  • Bean Class
  • Interface
  • Bean Configuration FIle
  • Use Program

Q4. What do you understand about the Spring IOC Container?

The Spring IOC container manages the complete lifecycle of Objects created using the framework. It reads the configurations of class metadata (provided either through SML files, Java code, or Java annotations) and uses Dependency injection to manage various components used in the application.

Q5. What do you understand about Dependency Injection in the Spring framework?

Dependency injection is a feature by which objects are created. While employing Dependency Injection, you don’t create objects; you only specify how the objects are created. You also describe how components need to be connected, and the Spring IOC container wires all your components together.

Q6. What are the ways by which Dependency Injection can be achieved through the Spring framework?

This is another common Spring framework interview question asked at technical interviews. Dependency Injection can be achieved by:

  • Interface Injection
  • Constructor Injection
  • Setter Injection

Q7. What are the two types of IOC Containers Present in The Spring Framework?

The types of IOC containers that are present in the Spring Framework include:

  • BeanFactory - This is a factory class containing a collection of beans.
  • ApplicationContext - This provides extra features to the BeanFactory.

Q8. What do you understand by Tight Coupling in Spring?

Tight Coupling is a state when a particular Class A is entirely dependent on the methods and functions of Class B. A notable benefit of Spring, unlike many other frameworks, is that it allows both Tight Coupling and Loose Coupling between classes.

Q9. What do you understand about Beans in the Spring framework?

Beans are Objects in Spring that are fundamentally managed, wired, and configured by the IOC Container. Beans within the Spring framework can be wired together through the feature of Dependency Injection.

Q10. What are some key features of the Spring framework?

This is a common Spring framework interview question often featured in technical interviews. Some noteworthy features of the Spring framework include:

  • It is a lightweight framework.
  • It exhibits the Inversion of Control feature. In this feature, objects don’t look for dependencies in other objects.
  • It supports Aspect-Oriented Programming, where services are separated from the business logic.
  • The MVC framework within Spring can be configured very easily, unlike other frameworks.
  • Transaction support in Spring is applicable even in environments that don’t have containers.
  • The Spring framework incorporates a JDBC abstraction layer that simplifies error and exception handling.  

Q11. What are some limitations associated with auto-wiring in Spring?

Some limitations associated with auto-wiring include:

  • Auto-wiring is less precise when compared to explicit wiring
  • Some data types, including the fundamental ones such as Strings, Classes, and Primitives, cannot be wired.
  • Certain dependencies can be specified to override the auto-wiring process in the Spring framework.

Q12. How do you turn on annotation wiring in Spring?

Annotation wiring isn’t on by default in the Spring framework. It must be enabled in the Spring configuration file by configuring the <context:annotation-config/> element.

Q13. What is the @RequestMapping Annotation in Spring?

In Spring, the @RequestMapping annotation is primarily used to map an HTTP request to a particular Class or Object within the controller. The @RequestMapping annotation in Spring can be applied at the Method Level and the Class Level.

Q14. What is the DAO Support feature in the Spring framework?

This is one of the most popular Spring framework interview questions asked in technical interviews.

The DAO support feature makes it easy to work and switch between persistence technologies. The feature helps developers code programs without catching exceptions specific to different technologies, ensuring uniformity and uninterrupted coding.

Q15. Which are the primary classes present in Spring JDBC Application Program Interface?

The Classes in the JDBC API include:

  • SimplejdbcCall
  • SimplejdbcInsert
  • JdbcTemplate
  • NamedParameterjdbcTemplate
  • SimpleJdbcTemplate

Check some more Spring MVC interview questions here.

Sample Spring Framework Interview Questions for Practice

  1. Differentiate between BeanFactory and ApplicationContext
  2. What are Spring Beans?
  3. How is configuration metadata provided to the Spring container?
  4. What is the Bean Lifecycle?
  5. What do you understand about Inner Beans in Spring?
  6. What do you understand about JoinPoint in the Spring framework?
  7. What are the different Advices in the Spring framework?
  8. What are Controllers in the Spring MVC framework?
  9. How do you access Hibernate in the Spring framework?
  10. What is the @Required Annotation in Spring?
  11. Which are the different ORMs supported by the Spring framework?
  12. What is the difference between Concern and Cross-Cutting Concern in Spring Aspect-Oriented Programming?
  13. Which are the different AOP implementations in the Spring framework?
  14. What do you understand about Proxies in the Spring framework?
  15. What are the types of Transaction management supported by the Spring framework?

We hope that the Spring framework interview questions and answers provided above will assist you in preparing for your upcoming Java developer or software engineering interview. Keep your Spring Framework concepts clear and practice mock interview questions to ace your technical interview.

Also, check out these Top Java Interview Questions to practice for your next coding interview!

FAQs on Spring Interview Questions

Q1. What do you understand from Advice in Spring?

An Advice in Spring is an action taken at JoinPoint by an Aspect. The types of advice used include before, after, and around.

Q2. What is the purpose of Aspects in Spring?

Aspects in Spring are mainly classes used to support enterprise application concerns critical features such as logging, transaction management, caching, and profiling.

Q3. Are Spring framework interview questions asked in coding interviews?

If you are a Java developer, you can expect Spring framework interview questions in your tech interview. Spring is one of the most widely used Java frameworks to code Java enterprise-edition software, and hence it is a crucial part of coding interviews.

Q3. In what type of technical interviews are Spring framework interview questions asked?

Spring framework interview questions are asked in tech interviews for Java developers. In software engineering interviews at FAANG+ companies, you’re expected to be well-versed with popular Java application framework technologies.

Q4. Are Spring Interview Questions asked at design interviews at FAANG companies?

Yes, if you are a Java developer, you can very well be asked Spring interview questions at design interviews, primarily because Spring is one of the foremost frameworks used for front-end development.

Q5. What is the need for using the render() function in Spring?

Spring’s render() function returns single elements that represent native DOM elements. The render() function returns the same value whenever called.

Gear Up for Your Next Technical Interview

If you’re preparing for a Spring Framework interview or any other type of technical interview, register for our free webinar to get expert advice from FAANG+ industry experts on nailing technical interviews at top tech companies.

We've trained over 9,000 engineers to land multiple offers at the biggest tech companies and know exactly what it takes to nail tough technical interviews, thanks to our expert instructors who are hiring managers at FAANG+ companies.

Sign-up for our free webinar now!

Abhinav Rawat
Product Manager @ Interview Kickstart | Ex-upGrad | BITS Pilani. Working with hiring managers from top companies like Meta, Apple, Google, Amazon etc to build structured interview process BootCamps across domains
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Spring Framework is a popular and widely used framework for developing enterprise-level Java applications and programs. Spring Framework is the preferred choice of Java developers and software engineers due to its extensive feature set, ease of use, and flexibility.

Spring Framework interview questions, as well as other Spring concepts such as Spring OOPs, Spring JDBC, Spring MVC, Spring Hibernate, Spring AOP, and so on, are an important part of Spring-based interview. To answer these questions, you must be thorough with Spring Framework fundamentals. In this article, we'll look at some of the most common Spring Framework interview questions and answers.

If you’re a software engineer, coding engineer, software developer, engineering manager, or tech lead preparing for tech interviews, check out our technical interview checklist, interview questions page, and salary negotiation e-book to get interview-ready!

Having trained over 9,000 software engineers, we know what it takes to crack the most challenging tech interviews. Since 2014, Interview Kickstart alums have landed lucrative offers from FAANG and Tier-1 tech companies, with an average salary hike of 49%. The highest-ever offer received by an IK alum is a whopping $933,000!

At IK, you get the unique opportunity to learn from expert instructors who are hiring managers and tech leads at Google, Facebook, Apple, and other top Silicon Valley tech companies.  Our reviews will tell you how we’ve shaped the careers of thousands of professionals aspiring to take their careers to new heights.

Want to nail your next tech interview? Sign up for our FREE Webinar.

Let’s go ahead and look at some common Spring framework interview questions and answers to help you prepare for your upcoming interview. Here’s what we’ll cover in this article:

  • Popular Spring Interview Questions and Answers
  • Sample Spring Framework Interview Questions for Practice
  • FAQs on Spring Interview Questions

Take a look at some more popular Spring Boot Interview Questions for your interview prep here.

Popular Spring Interview Questions and Answers

In this section, we’ll cover some basic and advanced Spring interview questions and answers for freshers and experienced developers. Let’s take a look.

Q1. What are some benefits of using Spring?

This is a very common Spring framework interview question asked at software engineering interviews.

  • Spring allows you to use a wide array of functions and methods.
  • Spring Framework incorporates Plain Old Java Object (POJO) Programming, enabling continuous and uninterrupted testability and integration.
  • Spring incorporates critical features such as Dependency Injection and Inversion of Control.
  • Spring is an open-source network and allows developers to accomplish a wide range of programming tasks.

Q2. What do you understand about the Spring configuration file?

The Spring configuration file is an XML file that holds information about Classes and their configurations. Configuration files need to be appropriately written to avoid errors during runtime.

Q3. What are the main components of the Spring framework?

This is one of the most common Spring framework interview questions asked at java developer and FAANG software engineering interviews. The main components of the Spring framework include:

  • Spring Aspect-Oriented Programming
  • Bean Class
  • Interface
  • Bean Configuration FIle
  • Use Program

Q4. What do you understand about the Spring IOC Container?

The Spring IOC container manages the complete lifecycle of Objects created using the framework. It reads the configurations of class metadata (provided either through SML files, Java code, or Java annotations) and uses Dependency injection to manage various components used in the application.

Q5. What do you understand about Dependency Injection in the Spring framework?

Dependency injection is a feature by which objects are created. While employing Dependency Injection, you don’t create objects; you only specify how the objects are created. You also describe how components need to be connected, and the Spring IOC container wires all your components together.

Q6. What are the ways by which Dependency Injection can be achieved through the Spring framework?

This is another common Spring framework interview question asked at technical interviews. Dependency Injection can be achieved by:

  • Interface Injection
  • Constructor Injection
  • Setter Injection

Q7. What are the two types of IOC Containers Present in The Spring Framework?

The types of IOC containers that are present in the Spring Framework include:

  • BeanFactory - This is a factory class containing a collection of beans.
  • ApplicationContext - This provides extra features to the BeanFactory.

Q8. What do you understand by Tight Coupling in Spring?

Tight Coupling is a state when a particular Class A is entirely dependent on the methods and functions of Class B. A notable benefit of Spring, unlike many other frameworks, is that it allows both Tight Coupling and Loose Coupling between classes.

Q9. What do you understand about Beans in the Spring framework?

Beans are Objects in Spring that are fundamentally managed, wired, and configured by the IOC Container. Beans within the Spring framework can be wired together through the feature of Dependency Injection.

Q10. What are some key features of the Spring framework?

This is a common Spring framework interview question often featured in technical interviews. Some noteworthy features of the Spring framework include:

  • It is a lightweight framework.
  • It exhibits the Inversion of Control feature. In this feature, objects don’t look for dependencies in other objects.
  • It supports Aspect-Oriented Programming, where services are separated from the business logic.
  • The MVC framework within Spring can be configured very easily, unlike other frameworks.
  • Transaction support in Spring is applicable even in environments that don’t have containers.
  • The Spring framework incorporates a JDBC abstraction layer that simplifies error and exception handling.  

Q11. What are some limitations associated with auto-wiring in Spring?

Some limitations associated with auto-wiring include:

  • Auto-wiring is less precise when compared to explicit wiring
  • Some data types, including the fundamental ones such as Strings, Classes, and Primitives, cannot be wired.
  • Certain dependencies can be specified to override the auto-wiring process in the Spring framework.

Q12. How do you turn on annotation wiring in Spring?

Annotation wiring isn’t on by default in the Spring framework. It must be enabled in the Spring configuration file by configuring the <context:annotation-config/> element.

Q13. What is the @RequestMapping Annotation in Spring?

In Spring, the @RequestMapping annotation is primarily used to map an HTTP request to a particular Class or Object within the controller. The @RequestMapping annotation in Spring can be applied at the Method Level and the Class Level.

Q14. What is the DAO Support feature in the Spring framework?

This is one of the most popular Spring framework interview questions asked in technical interviews.

The DAO support feature makes it easy to work and switch between persistence technologies. The feature helps developers code programs without catching exceptions specific to different technologies, ensuring uniformity and uninterrupted coding.

Q15. Which are the primary classes present in Spring JDBC Application Program Interface?

The Classes in the JDBC API include:

  • SimplejdbcCall
  • SimplejdbcInsert
  • JdbcTemplate
  • NamedParameterjdbcTemplate
  • SimpleJdbcTemplate

Check some more Spring MVC interview questions here.

Sample Spring Framework Interview Questions for Practice

  1. Differentiate between BeanFactory and ApplicationContext
  2. What are Spring Beans?
  3. How is configuration metadata provided to the Spring container?
  4. What is the Bean Lifecycle?
  5. What do you understand about Inner Beans in Spring?
  6. What do you understand about JoinPoint in the Spring framework?
  7. What are the different Advices in the Spring framework?
  8. What are Controllers in the Spring MVC framework?
  9. How do you access Hibernate in the Spring framework?
  10. What is the @Required Annotation in Spring?
  11. Which are the different ORMs supported by the Spring framework?
  12. What is the difference between Concern and Cross-Cutting Concern in Spring Aspect-Oriented Programming?
  13. Which are the different AOP implementations in the Spring framework?
  14. What do you understand about Proxies in the Spring framework?
  15. What are the types of Transaction management supported by the Spring framework?

We hope that the Spring framework interview questions and answers provided above will assist you in preparing for your upcoming Java developer or software engineering interview. Keep your Spring Framework concepts clear and practice mock interview questions to ace your technical interview.

Also, check out these Top Java Interview Questions to practice for your next coding interview!

FAQs on Spring Interview Questions

Q1. What do you understand from Advice in Spring?

An Advice in Spring is an action taken at JoinPoint by an Aspect. The types of advice used include before, after, and around.

Q2. What is the purpose of Aspects in Spring?

Aspects in Spring are mainly classes used to support enterprise application concerns critical features such as logging, transaction management, caching, and profiling.

Q3. Are Spring framework interview questions asked in coding interviews?

If you are a Java developer, you can expect Spring framework interview questions in your tech interview. Spring is one of the most widely used Java frameworks to code Java enterprise-edition software, and hence it is a crucial part of coding interviews.

Q3. In what type of technical interviews are Spring framework interview questions asked?

Spring framework interview questions are asked in tech interviews for Java developers. In software engineering interviews at FAANG+ companies, you’re expected to be well-versed with popular Java application framework technologies.

Q4. Are Spring Interview Questions asked at design interviews at FAANG companies?

Yes, if you are a Java developer, you can very well be asked Spring interview questions at design interviews, primarily because Spring is one of the foremost frameworks used for front-end development.

Q5. What is the need for using the render() function in Spring?

Spring’s render() function returns single elements that represent native DOM elements. The render() function returns the same value whenever called.

Gear Up for Your Next Technical Interview

If you’re preparing for a Spring Framework interview or any other type of technical interview, register for our free webinar to get expert advice from FAANG+ industry experts on nailing technical interviews at top tech companies.

We've trained over 9,000 engineers to land multiple offers at the biggest tech companies and know exactly what it takes to nail tough technical interviews, thanks to our expert instructors who are hiring managers at FAANG+ companies.

Sign-up for our free webinar now!

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